WELL!: An Evaluation Procedure for All Logic Programs.

Nicole Bidoit, P. Legay: WELL!: An Evaluation Procedure for All Logic Programs. ICDT 1990: 335-348
  author    = {Nicole Bidoit and
               P. Legay},
  editor    = {Serge Abiteboul and
               Paris C. Kanellakis},
  title     = {WELL!: An Evaluation Procedure for All Logic Programs},
  booktitle = {ICDT'90, Third International Conference on Database Theory, Paris,
               France, December 12-14, 1990, Proceedings},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  volume    = {470},
  year      = {1990},
  isbn      = {3-540-53507-1},
  pages     = {335-348},
  ee        = {db/conf/icdt/BidoitL90.html},
  crossref  = {DBLP:conf/icdt/90},
  bibsource = {DBLP,}

ACM SIGMOD Anthology

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Krzysztof R. Apt, Howard A. Blair, Adrian Walker: Towards a Theory of Declarative Knowledge. Foundations of Deductive Databases and Logic Programming. 1988: 89-148 BibTeX
Serge Abiteboul, Victor Vianu: Procedural and Declarative Database Update Languages. PODS 1988: 240-250 BibTeX
Nicole Bidoit, Christine Froidevaux: Minimalism subsumes Default Logic and Circumscription in Stratified Logic Programming. LICS 1987: 89-97 BibTeX
Nicole Bidoit, Christine Froidevaux: Negation by Default and Unstratifiable Logic Programs. Theor. Comput. Sci. 78(1): 86-112(1991) BibTeX
Nicole Bidoit: Negation in Rule-Based Database Languages: A Survey. Theor. Comput. Sci. 78(1): 3-83(1991) BibTeX
François Bancilhon, Raghu Ramakrishnan: An Amateur's Introduction to Recursive Query Processing Strategies. SIGMOD Conference 1986: 16-52 BibTeX
François Bry: Logic Programming as Constructivism: A Formalization and its Application to Databases. PODS 1989: 34-50 BibTeX
Melvin Fitting, Marion Ben-Jacob: Stratified and Three-valued Logic Programming Semantics. ICLP/SLP 1988: 1054-1069 BibTeX
Melvin Fitting: A Kripke-Kleene Semantics for Logic Programs. J. Log. Program. 2(4): 295-312(1985) BibTeX
Jean H. Gallier: Logic for Computer Science: Foundations of Automatic Theorem Proving. Harper & Row 1986, ISBN 0-06-042225-4
Michael Gelfond, Vladimir Lifschitz: The Stable Model Semantics for Logic Programming. ICLP/SLP 1988: 1070-1080 BibTeX
Allen Van Gelder, Kenneth A. Ross, John S. Schlipf: Unfounded Sets and Well-Founded Semantics for General Logic Programs. PODS 1988: 221-230 BibTeX
Phokion G. Kolaitis, Christos H. Papadimitriou: Why Not Negation by Fixpoint? PODS 1988: 231-239 BibTeX
David B. Kemp, Rodney W. Topor: Completeness of a Top-Down Query Evaluation Procedure for Stratified Databases. ICLP/SLP 1988: 178-194 BibTeX
Kenneth Kunen: Some Remarks on the Completed Database. ICLP/SLP 1988: 978-992 BibTeX
Vladimir Lifschitz: On the Declarative Semantics of Logic Programs with Negation. Foundations of Deductive Databases and Logic Programming. 1988: 177-192 BibTeX
John W. Lloyd: Foundations of Logic Programming, 2nd Edition. Springer 1987, ISBN 3-540-18199-7
Teodor C. Przymusinski: On the Declarative Semantics of Deductive Databases and Logic Programs. Foundations of Deductive Databases and Logic Programming. 1988: 193-216 BibTeX
Teodor C. Przymusinski: Perfect Model Semantics. ICLP/SLP 1988: 1081-1096 BibTeX
Teodor C. Przymusinski: Every Logic Program Has a Natural Stratification And an Iterated Least Fixed Point Model. PODS 1989: 11-21 BibTeX
Kenneth A. Ross: A Procedural Semantics for Well Founded Negation in Logic Programs. PODS 1989: 22-33 BibTeX
Hirohisa Seki, Hidenori Itoh: A Query Evaluation Method for Stratified Programs Under the Extended CWA. ICLP/SLP 1988: 195-211 BibTeX
Allen Van Gelder: The Alternating Fixpoint of Logic Programs with Negation. PODS 1989: 1-10 BibTeX
Laurent Vieille: Recursive Axioms in Deductive Databases: The Query/Subquery Approach. Expert Database Conf. 1986: 253-267 BibTeX
Laurent Vieille: Recursive Query Processing: The Power of Logic. Theor. Comput. Sci. 69(1): 1-53(1989) BibTeX
Allen Van Gelder, Kenneth A. Ross, John S. Schlipf: Unfounded Sets and Well-Founded Semantics for General Logic Programs. PODS 1988: 221-230 BibTeX

Referenced by

  1. Weidong Chen, David Scott Warren: Computation of Stable Models and Its Integration with Logical Query Processing. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 8(5): 742-757(1996)
  2. Serge Abiteboul, Richard Hull, Victor Vianu: Foundations of Databases. Addison-Wesley 1995, ISBN 0-201-53771-0
  3. Weidong Chen, David Scott Warren: Query Evaluation under the Well Founded Semantics. PODS 1993: 168-179
  4. Dominique Laurent, Viet Phan Luong, Nicolas Spyratos: Updating Intensional Predicates in Deductive Databases. ICDE 1993: 14-21
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