A Low-Cost Geometry-Preserving Image Database System.

Ying-Kuei Yang, King-sun Fu: A Low-Cost Geometry-Preserving Image Database System. ICDE 1984: 604-610
  author    = {Ying-Kuei Yang and
               King-sun Fu},
  title     = {A Low-Cost Geometry-Preserving Image Database System},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the First International Conference on Data Engineering,
               April 24-27, 1984, Los Angeles, California, USA},
  publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
  year      = {1984},
  isbn      = {0-8186-0533-2},
  pages     = {604-610},
  ee        = {db/conf/icde/YangF84.html},
  crossref  = {DBLP:conf/icde/84},
  bibsource = {DBLP,}


Copyright © 1984 by The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc. (IEEE). Abstract used with permission.

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Printed Edition

Proceedings of the First International Conference on Data Engineering, April 24-27, 1984, Los Angeles, California, USA. IEEE Computer Society 1984, ISBN 0-8186-0533-2
Contents BibTeX


Margaret Chock, Alfonso F. Cardenas, Allen Klinger: Manipulating Data Structures in Pictorial Information Systems. IEEE Computer 14(11): 43-50(1981) BibTeX
Shi-Kuo Chang, Tosiyasu L. Kunii: Pictorial Data-Base Systems. IEEE Computer 14(11): 13-21(1981) BibTeX
C. J. Date: An Introduction to Database Systems. Addison-Wesley 1975, ISBN 0-201-14452-2
Herbert Freeman, Ruth Shapira: Determining the Minimum-Area Encasing Rectangle for an Arbitrary Closed Curve. Commun. ACM 18(7): 409-413(1975) BibTeX
R. D. Merrill: Representation of Contours ad Regions for Efficient Computer Search. Commun. ACM 16(2): 69-82(1973) BibTeX
Donald E. Knuth: The Art of Computer Programming, Volume I: Fundamental Algorithms, 2nd Edition. Addison-Wesley 1973
James B. Rothnie Jr., Nathan Goodman: A Survey of Research and Development in Distributed Database Management. VLDB 1977: 48-62 BibTeX
Donald E. Knuth: The Art of Computer Programming, Volume III: Sorting and Searching. Addison-Wesley 1973, ISBN 0-201-03803-X

Referenced by

  1. Suh-Yin Lee, Man-Kwan Shan, Wei-Pang Yang: Similarity Retrieval of Iconic Images Based on 2D String Longest Common Subsequence. DASFAA 1989: 337-341
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