Synthesizing Distributed Constrained Events from Transactional Workflow.

Munindar P. Singh: Synthesizing Distributed Constrained Events from Transactional Workflow. ICDE 1996: 616-623
  author    = {Munindar P. Singh},
  editor    = {Stanley Y. W. Su},
  title     = {Synthesizing Distributed Constrained Events from Transactional
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Data Engineering,
               February 26 - March  1, 1996, New Orleans, Louisiana},
  publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
  year      = {1996},
  isbn      = {0-8186-7240-4},
  pages     = {616-623},
  ee        = {db/conf/icde/Singh96.html},
  crossref  = {DBLP:conf/icde/96},
  bibsource = {DBLP,}


Copyright © 1996 by The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc. (IEEE). Abstract used with permission.

ACM SIGMOD Anthology

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Printed Edition

Stanley Y. W. Su (Ed.): Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Data Engineering, February 26 - March 1, 1996, New Orleans, Louisiana. IEEE Computer Society 1996, ISBN 0-8186-7240-4
Contents BibTeX


Paul C. Attie, Munindar P. Singh, Amit P. Sheth, Marek Rusinkiewicz: Specifying and Enforcing Intertask Dependencies. VLDB 1993: 134-145 BibTeX
Panos K. Chrysanthis, Krithi Ramamritham: ACTA: The SAGA Continues. Database Transaction Models for Advanced Applications 1992: 349-397 BibTeX
Ahmed K. Elmagarmid (Ed.): Database Transaction Models for Advanced Applications. Morgan Kaufmann 1992, ISBN 1-55860-214-3
Contents BibTeX
Dimitrios Georgakopoulos, Mark F. Hornick, Amit P. Sheth: An Overview of Workflow Management: From Process Modeling to Workflow Automation Infrastructure. Distributed and Parallel Databases 3(2): 119-153(1995) BibTeX
Jim Gray, Andreas Reuter: Transaction Processing: Concepts and Techniques. Morgan Kaufmann 1993, ISBN 1-55860-190-2
Contents BibTeX
Jim Gray: The Transaction Concept: Virtues and Limitations (Invited Paper). VLDB 1981: 144-154 BibTeX
Roger Günthör: Extended Transaction Processing Based on Dependency Rules. RIDE-IMS 1993: 207-214 BibTeX
Won Kim (Ed.): Modern Database Systems: The Object Model, Interoperability, and Beyond. ACM Press and Addison-Wesley 1995, ISBN 0-201-59098-0
Contents BibTeX
Marek Rusinkiewicz, Amit P. Sheth: Specification and Execution of Transactional Workflows. Modern Database Systems 1995: 592-620 BibTeX
Munindar P. Singh: Semantical Considerations on Workflows: An Algebra for Intertask Dependencies. DBPL 1995: 5 BibTeX
Munindar P. Singh, Christine Tomlinson: Workflow Execution Through Distributed Events. COMAD 1994: 0- BibTeX
Munindar P. Singh, Christine Tomlinson, Darrell Woelk: Relaxed Transaction Processing. SIGMOD Conference 1994: 505 BibTeX

Referenced by

  1. Kerstin Schwarz, Can Türker, Gunter Saake: Computing Rules for Detecting Contradictory Transaction Termination Dependencies. ADBIS 1999: 113-127
  2. Hasan Davulcu, Michael Kifer, C. R. Ramakrishnan, I. V. Ramakrishnan: Logic Based Modeling and Analysis of Workflows. PODS 1998: 25-33
  3. Jian Tang, San-Yih Hwang: A Scheme to Specify and Implement Ad-Hoc Recovery in Workflow Systems. EDBT 1998: 484-498
  4. Munindar P. Singh: Semantical Considerations on Workflows: An Algebra for Intertask Dependencies. DBPL 1995: 5
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