The R-File: An Efficient Access Structure for Proximity Queries.

Andreas Hutflesz, Hans-Werner Six, Peter Widmayer: The R-File: An Efficient Access Structure for Proximity Queries. ICDE 1990: 372-379
  author    = {Andreas Hutflesz and
               Hans-Werner Six and
               Peter Widmayer},
  title     = {The R-File: An Efficient Access Structure for Proximity Queries},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Data Engineering,
               February 5-9, 1990, Los Angeles, California, USA},
  publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
  year      = {1990},
  isbn      = {0-8186-2025-0},
  pages     = {372-379},
  ee        = {db/conf/icde/HutfleszSW90.html},
  crossref  = {DBLP:conf/icde/90},
  bibsource = {DBLP,}


Copyright © 1990 by The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc. (IEEE). Abstract used with permission.

ACM SIGMOD Anthology

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Printed Edition

Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Data Engineering, February 5-9, 1990, Los Angeles, California, USA. IEEE Computer Society 1990, ISBN 0-8186-2025-0
Contents BibTeX


Christos Faloutsos, Timos K. Sellis, Nick Roussopoulos: Analysis of Object Oriented Spatial Access Methods. SIGMOD Conference 1987: 426-439 BibTeX
Michael Freeston: The BANG File: A New Kind of Grid File. SIGMOD Conference 1987: 260-269 BibTeX
Diane Greene: An Implementation and Performance Analysis of Spatial Data Access Methods. ICDE 1989: 606-615 BibTeX
Antonin Guttman: R-Trees: A Dynamic Index Structure for Spatial Searching. SIGMOD Conference 1984: 47-57 BibTeX
Andreas Hutflesz, Hans-Werner Six, Peter Widmayer: Globally Order Preserving Multidimensional Linear Hashing. ICDE 1988: 572-579 BibTeX
Hans-Peter Kriegel, Bernhard Seeger: Multidimensional Order Preserving Linear Hashing with Partial Expansions. ICDT 1986: 203-220 BibTeX
Hans-Peter Kriegel, Bernhard Seeger: PLOP-Hashing: A Grid File without Directory. ICDE 1988: 369-376 BibTeX
Jürg Nievergelt, Hans Hinterberger, Kenneth C. Sevcik: The Grid File: An Adaptable, Symmetric Multikey File Structure. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 9(1): 38-71(1984) BibTeX
Jack A. Orenstein, T. H. Merrett: A Class of Data Structures for Associative Searching. PODS 1984: 181-190 BibTeX
Ekow J. Otoo: Balanced Multidimensional Extendible Hash Tree. PODS 1986: 100-113 BibTeX
John T. Robinson: The K-D-B-Tree: A Search Structure For Large Multidimensional Dynamic Indexes. SIGMOD Conference 1981: 10-18 BibTeX
Bernhard Seeger, Hans-Peter Kriegel: Techniques for Design and Implementation of Efficient Spatial Access Methods. VLDB 1988: 360-371 BibTeX
Timos K. Sellis, Nick Roussopoulos, Christos Faloutsos: The R+-Tree: A Dynamic Index for Multi-Dimensional Objects. VLDB 1987: 507-518 BibTeX
Hans-Werner Six, Peter Widmayer: Spatial Searching in Geometric Databases. ICDE 1988: 496-503 BibTeX

Referenced by

  1. Volker Gaede, Oliver Günther: Multidimensional Access Methods. ACM Comput. Surv. 30(2): 170-231(1998)
  2. Kenneth C. Sevcik, Nick Koudas: Filter Trees for Managing Spatial Data over a Range of Size Granularities. VLDB 1996: 16-27
  3. Nasser Yazdani, Z. Meral Özsoyoglu, Gultekin Özsoyoglu: A Framework for Feature-Based Indexing for Spatial Databases. SSDBM 1994: 259-269
  4. Hongjun Lu, Beng Chin Ooi: Spatial Indexing: Past and Future. IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 16(3): 16-21(1993)
  5. Goetz Graefe: Query Evaluation Techniques for Large Databases. ACM Comput. Surv. 25(2): 73-170(1993)
  6. Bernd-Uwe Pagel, Hans-Werner Six, Heinrich Toben, Peter Widmayer: Towards an Analysis of Range Query Performance in Spatial Data Structures. PODS 1993: 214-221
  7. Bruno Becker, Hans-Werner Six, Peter Widmayer: Spatial Priority Search: An Access Technique for Scaleless Maps. SIGMOD Conference 1991: 128-137
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