FICS 2002:
Zoltán Ésik, Anna Ingólfsdóttir (Eds.):
Fixed Points in Computer Science, FICS 2002, Copenhagen, Denmark, 20-21 July 2002, Preliminary Proceedings.
BRICS Notes Series NS-02-2 University of Aarhus 2002 BibTeX
- Glynn Winskel:
Calculus for categories.
1 BibTeX
- Jirí Adámek, Stefan Milius, Jiri Velebil:
Parametric corecursion and completely iterative monads.
2-5 BibTeX
- Neil Ghani, Christoph Lüth, Federico De Marchi:
Coalgebraic approaches to algebraic terms.
6-8 BibTeX
- Tarmo Uustalu:
Generalizing substitution.
9-11 BibTeX
- Nick Benton, Martin Hyland:
Traced pre-monoidal categories.
12-19 BibTeX
- Luca Aceto:
Kleene through the process algebraic glass.
20-21 BibTeX
- Christoph Sprenger, Mads Dam:
A note on global induction in a mu-calculus with explicit approximations.
22-24 BibTeX
- Nikolay V. Shilov, Natalya Olegovna Garanina:
Model checking knowledge and fixpoints.
25-39 BibTeX
- Benet Devereux:
Strong next-time operators for multiple-valued mu-calculus.
40-43 BibTeX
- Dexter Kozen:
On two letters versus three.
44-50 BibTeX
- Hans Leiß:
Kleenean semimodules and linear languages.
51-53 BibTeX
- Guo-Qiang Zhang:
Decidable fragments of domain mu-calculus: an automata-theoretic perspective.
54-57 BibTeX
- Margarita V. Korovina:
Fixed points on abstract structures without the equality test.
58-60 BibTeX
- Gérard Boudol, Pascal Zimmer:
Recursion in the call-by-value lambda-calculus.
61-66 BibTeX
- Anna Labella:
Kleene's (unary) star in nondeterministic context.
67-68 BibTeX
- Thomas P. Jensen, Florimond Ployette, Olivier Ridoux:
Iteration schemes for fixed point calculation.
69-76 BibTeX
- Luigi Santocanale:
Congruences of modal µ-algebras.
77-81 BibTeX
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by Michael Ley (