Multilevel Schema Integration.

Giuseppe Santucci, Carlo Batini, Giuseppe Di Battista: Multilevel Schema Integration. ER 1993: 327-338
  author    = {Giuseppe Santucci and
               Carlo Batini and
               Giuseppe Di Battista},
  editor    = {Ramez Elmasri and
               Vram Kouramajian and
               Bernhard Thalheim},
  title     = {Multilevel Schema Integration},
  booktitle = {Entity-Relationship Approach - ER'93, 12th International Conference
               on the Entity-Relationship Approach, Arlington, Texas, USA, December
               15-17, 1993, Proceedings},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  volume    = {823},
  year      = {1993},
  isbn      = {3-540-58217-7},
  pages     = {327-338},
  ee        = {db/conf/er/SantucciBB93.html},
  crossref  = {DBLP:conf/er/93},
  bibsource = {DBLP,}

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Shamkant B. Navathe, Suresh G. Gadgil: A Methodology for View Inegration in Logical Database Design. VLDB 1982: 142-164 BibTeX
Carlo Batini, Maurizio Lenzerini: A Methodology for Data Schema Integration in the Entity Relationship Model. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 10(6): 650-664(1984) BibTeX
Willi Gotthard, Peter C. Lockemann, Andrea Neufeld: System Guided View Integration for Object-Oriented Databases. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 4(1): 1-22(1992) BibTeX
Carlo Batini, Maurizio Lenzerini, Shamkant B. Navathe: A Comparative Analysis of Methodologies for Database Schema Integration. ACM Comput. Surv. 18(4): 323-364(1986) BibTeX
Amit P. Sheth, James A. Larson, Aloysius Cornelio, Shamkant B. Navathe: A Tool for Integrating Conceptual Schemas and User Views. ICDE 1988: 176-183 BibTeX
Paul Johannesson: A Logic Based Approach to Schema Integration. ER 1991: 147-161 BibTeX
Stefano Spaccapietra, Christine Parent, Yann Dupont: Model Independent Assertions for Integration of Heterogeneous Schemas. VLDB J. 1(1): 81-126(1992) BibTeX
Peter Buneman, Susan B. Davidson, Anthony Kosky: Theoretical Aspects of Schema Merging. EDBT 1992: 152-167 BibTeX
Carlo Batini, Stefano Ceri, Shamkant B. Navathe: Conceptual Database Design: An Entity-Relationship Approach. Benjamin/Cummings 1992, ISBN 0-8053-0244-1
Carlo Batini, Giuseppe Di Battista: A methodology for conceptual documentation and maintenance. Inf. Syst. 13(3): 297-318(1988) BibTeX
Toby J. Teorey, Guangping Wei, Deborah L. Bolton, John A. Koenig: ER Model Clustering as an Aid for User Communication and Documentation in Database Design. Commun. ACM 32(8): 975-987(1989) BibTeX
Harry K. T. Wong, Ivy Kuo: GUIDE: Graphical User Interface for Database Exploration. VLDB 1982: 22-32 BibTeX
Michele Angelaccio, Tiziana Catarci, Giuseppe Santucci: QBD*: A Graphical Query Language with Recursion. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 16(10): 1150-1163(1990) BibTeX
Carlo Batini, Giuseppe Di Battista, Giuseppe Santucci: Structuring Primitives for a Dictionary of Entity Relationship Data Schemas. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 19(4): 344-365(1993) BibTeX
Jerry Winkler: The Entity-Relationship Approach and the Information Resource Dictionary System Standard. ER 1988: 3-19 BibTeX
Giuseppe Di Battista, Maurizio Lenzerini: A Deductive Method for Entity-Relationship Modeling. VLDB 1989: 13-21 BibTeX
Arnon Rosenthal, David S. Reiner: Theoretically Sound Transformations for Practical Database Design. ER 1987: 115-131 BibTeX

Referenced by

  1. Margita Altus: A Modular Design Strategy for a Flexible Graphical Database Design Environment: An Experimental Study. ER 1996: 146-162
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