A Language for Specifying Static and Dynamic Integrity Constraints.

Uwe Hohenstein, Klaus Hülsmann: A Language for Specifying Static and Dynamic Integrity Constraints. ER 1991: 389-416
  author    = {Uwe Hohenstein and
               Klaus H{\"u}lsmann},
  editor    = {Toby J. Teorey},
  title     = {A Language for Specifying Static and Dynamic Integrity Constraints},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Entity-Relationship
               Approach (ER'91), 23-25 October, 1991, San Mateo, California,
  publisher = {ER Institute},
  year      = {1991},
  pages     = {389-416},
  ee        = {db/conf/er/HohensteinH91.html},
  crossref  = {DBLP:conf/er/91},
  bibsource = {DBLP,}

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[AbH 87]
Serge Abiteboul, Richard Hull: IFO: A Formal Semantic Database Model. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 12(4): 525-565(1987) BibTeX
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Richard P. Brägger, Andreas Dudler, Jürg Rebsamen, Carl August Zehnder: Gambit: An Interactive Database Design Tool for Data Structures, Integrity Constraints and Transactions. ICDE 1984: 399-407 BibTeX
[CaCF 82]
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[De 86]
Hendrik Decker: Integrity Enforcement on Deductive Databases. Expert Database Conf. 1986: 381-395 BibTeX
[EGH+ 90]
Gregor Engels, Martin Gogolla, Uwe Hohenstein, Klaus Hülsmann, Perdita Löhr-Richter, Gunter Saake, Hans-Dieter Ehrich: Conceptual modelling of database applications using extended ER model. Data Knowl. Eng. 9: 157-204(1992) BibTeX
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[HaM 81]
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Uwe Hohenstein: Automatic Transformation of an Entity-Relationship Query Language into SQL. ER 1989: 303-321 BibTeX
[HoE 90]
Uwe Hohenstein, Gregor Engels: Formal Semantics of an Entity-Relationship-Based Query Language. ER 1990: 171-188 BibTeX
[HoG 88]
Uwe Hohenstein, Martin Gogolla: A Calculus for an Extended Entity-Relationship Model Incorporating Arbitrary Data Operations and Aggregate Functions. ER 1988: 129-148 BibTeX
[HsI 85]
Arding Hsu, Tomasz Imielinski: Integrity Checking for Multiple Updates. SIGMOD Conference 1985: 152-168 BibTeX
[Hü 91]
Klaus Hülsmann: A Temporal-Logic-Based Query Language for Querying Database Histories. DEXA 1991: 393-399 BibTeX
[HüS 90]
Klaus Hülsmann, Gunter Saake: Representation of the Historical Information Necessary for Temporal Integrity Monitoring. EDBT 1990: 378-392 BibTeX
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Klaus Hülsmann, Gunter Saake: Theoretical Foundations of Handling Large Substitution Sets in Temporal Integrity Monitoring. Acta Inf. 28(4): 365-407(1991) BibTeX
[HuK 87]
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[KMS 86]
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Udo W. Lipeck, Hans-Dieter Ehrich, Martin Gogolla: Specifying Admissibility of Dynamic Database Behaviour Using Temporal Logic. TFAIS 1985: 145-157 BibTeX
[LiN 86]
Udo W. Lipeck, Karl Neumann: Modelling and Manipulating Objects in Geoscientific Databases. ER 1986: 67-85 BibTeX
[LiS 87]
Udo W. Lipeck, Gunter Saake: Monitoring dynamic integrity constraints based on temporal logic. Inf. Syst. 12(3): 255-269(1987) BibTeX
[LyK 86]
Peter Lyngbæk, William Kent: A Data Modeling Methodology for the Design and Implementation of Information Systems. OODBS 1986: 6-17 BibTeX
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Zohar Manna, Amir Pnueli: The Modal Logic of Programs. ICALP 1979: 385-409 BibTeX
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Zohar Manna, Pierre Wolper: Synthesis of Communicating Processes from Temporal Logic Specifications. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 6(1): 68-93(1984) BibTeX
[MMR 86]
Johann A. Makowsky, Victor M. Markowitz, Nimrod Rotics: Entity-Relationship Consistency for Relational Schemas. ICDT 1986: 306-322 BibTeX
[MyW 80]
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[ObL 88]
Andreas Oberweis, Georg Lausen: On the Representation of Temporal Knowledge in Office Systems. Temporal Aspects in Information Systems 1987: 125-139 BibTeX
[PRYS 89]
Christine Parent, Hélène Rolin, Kokou Yétongnon, Stefano Spaccapietra: An ER Calculus for the Entity-Relationship Complex Model. ER 1989: 361-384 BibTeX
[QiW 86]
Xiaolei Qian, Gio Wiederhold: Knowledge-based Integrity Constraint Validation. VLDB 1986: 3-12 BibTeX
[QiW 88]
Xiaolei Qian, Richard J. Waldinger: A Transaction Logic for Database Specification. SIGMOD Conference 1988: 243-250 BibTeX
[Se 80]
Amílcar Sernadas: Temporal aspects of logical procedure definiton. Inf. Syst. 5(3): 167-187(1980) BibTeX
[SFNC 84]
Ulrich Schiel, Antonio L. Furtado, Erich J. Neuhold, Marco A. Casanova: Towards multi-level and modular conceptual schema specifications. Inf. Syst. 9(1): 43-57(1984) BibTeX
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Amílcar Sernadas, Cristina Sernadas, Hans-Dieter Ehrich: Object-Oriented Specification of Databases: An Algebraic Approach. VLDB 1987: 107-116 BibTeX
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Referenced by

  1. Martin Gogolla, Rudolf Herzig, Stefan Conrad, Grit Denker, Nikolaos Vlachantonis: Integrating the ER Approach in an OO Environment. ER 1993: 376-389
  2. Zahir Tari: A Design Methodology for Object Oriented Databases. ER 1992: 389-405
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