Completeness of Query Languages for the Entity-Relationship Model.

Paolo Atzeni, Peter P. Chen: Completeness of Query Languages for the Entity-Relationship Model. ER 1981: 109-122
  author    = {Paolo Atzeni and
               Peter P. Chen},
  editor    = {Peter P. Chen},
  title     = {Completeness of Query Languages for the Entity-Relationship Model},
  booktitle = {Entity-Relationship Approach to Information Modeling and Analysis,
               Proceedings of the Second International Conference on the Entity-Relationship
               Approach (ER'81), Washington, DC, USA, October 12-14, 1981},
  publisher = {North-Holland},
  year      = {1981},
  isbn      = {0-444-86747-3},
  pages     = {109-122},
  ee        = {db/conf/er/AtzeniC81.html},
  crossref  = {DBLP:conf/er/81},
  bibsource = {DBLP,}

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Paolo Atzeni, Carlo Batini, Maurizio Lenzerini, Fulvio Villanelli: INCOD: A System for Conceptual Design of Data and Transactions in the Entity-Relationship Model. ER 1981: 375-410 BibTeX
Peter P. Chen: The Entity-Relationship Model - Toward a Unified View of Data. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 1(1): 9-36(1976) BibTeX
E. F. Codd: Relational Completeness of Data Base Sublanguages. In: R. Rustin (ed.): Database Systems: 65-98, Prentice Hall and IBM Research Report RJ 987, San Jose, California : (1972) BibTeX
C. J. Date: An Introduction to Database Systems, 2nd Edition. Addison-Wesley 1977
Jeffrey D. Ullman: Principles of Database Systems, 1st Edition. Computer Science Press 1980

Referenced by

  1. Elisa Bertino, Mauro Negri, Giuseppe Pelagatti, Licia Sbattella: Object-Oriented Query Languages: The Notion and the Issues. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 4(3): 223-237(1992)
  2. Martin Gogolla, Uwe Hohenstein: Towards a Semantic View of an Extended Entity-Relationship Model. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 16(3): 369-416(1991)
  3. Hock Chuan Chan: An Entity-Relationship Enhanced Logic System. DASFAA 1991: 401-410
  4. Y. Richard Wang, Stuart E. Madnick: A Polygen Model for Heterogeneous Database Systems: The Source Tagging Perspective. VLDB 1990: 519-538
  5. Tiziana Catarci, Giuseppe Santucci: GRASP: A Graphical System for Statistical Databases. SSDBM 1990: 148-162
  6. Christine Parent, Hélène Rolin, Kokou Yétongnon, Stefano Spaccapietra: An ER Calculus for the Entity-Relationship Complex Model. ER 1989: 361-384
  7. Uwe Hohenstein: Automatic Transformation of an Entity-Relationship Query Language into SQL. ER 1989: 303-321
  8. Uwe Hohenstein, Martin Gogolla: A Calculus for an Extended Entity-Relationship Model Incorporating Arbitrary Data Operations and Aggregate Functions. ER 1988: 129-148
  9. Tiziana Catarci, Giuseppe Santucci: Query by Diagramm: A Graphic Query System. ER 1988: 291-308
  10. Victor M. Markowitz, Johann A. Makowsky: Incremental Reorganization of Relational Databases. VLDB 1987: 127-135
  11. Kazimierz Subieta, Marek Missala: Semantics of Query Languages for the Entity-Relationship Model. ER 1986: 197-216
  12. Asuman Dogac, Filiz Eyupoglu, M. Erol Arkun: VERS - A Vector Based Entity Relationship Management System. ER 1986: 323-343
  13. Fernando Vélez: Lambda: An Entity-Relationship Based Query Language for the Retrieval of Structured Documents. ER 1985: 82-89
  14. Alfonso F. Cardenas, George R. Wang: Translation of SQL/DS Data Access/Update into Entity-Relationship Data Access/Update. ER 1985: 256-267
  15. Douglas M. Campbell, David W. Embley, Bogdan D. Czejdo: A Relationally Complete Query Language for an Entity-Relationship Model. ER 1985: 90-97
  16. Christine Parent, Stefano Spaccapietra: An Entity-Relationship Algebra. ICDE 1984: 500-507
  17. Peter P. Chen: An Algebra for a Directional Binary Entity-Relationship Model. ICDE 1984: 37-40
  18. Yves Tabourier: Further Development of the Occurrences Structure Concept: The EROS Approach. ER 1983: 565-583
  19. Victor M. Markowitz, Yoav Raz: ERROL: An Entity-Relationship, Role Oriented, Query Language. ER 1983: 329-345
  20. Victor M. Markowitz, Yoav Raz: A Modified Relational Algebra and its Use in an Entity-Relationship Environment. ER 1983: 315-328
  21. Peter P. Chen: ER - A Historical Perspective and Future Directions. ER 1983: 71-77
  22. Paolo Atzeni, Enzo Carboni: INCOD (A System for Interactive Conceptual Design) Revisited - After the Implementation of a Prototype. ER 1983: 449-464
  23. Paolo Atzeni, Carlo Batini, Maurizio Lenzerini, Fulvio Villanelli: INCOD: A System for Conceptual Design of Data and Transactions in the Entity-Relationship Model. ER 1981: 375-410
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