DBJ - A Dynamic Balancing Hash Join Algorithm in Multiprocessor Database Systems (Extented Abstract).

X. Zhao, Roger G. Johnson, Nigel J. Martin: DBJ - A Dynamic Balancing Hash Join Algorithm in Multiprocessor Database Systems (Extented Abstract). EDBT 1994: 301-308
  author    = {X. Zhao and
               Roger G. Johnson and
               Nigel J. Martin},
  editor    = {Matthias Jarke and
               Janis A. Bubenko Jr. and
               Keith G. Jeffery},
  title     = {DBJ - A Dynamic Balancing Hash Join Algorithm in Multiprocessor
               Database Systems (Extented Abstract)},
  booktitle = {Advances in Database Technology - EDBT'94. 4th International
               Conference on Extending Database Technology, Cambridge, United
               Kingdom, March 28-31, 1994, Proceedings},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  volume    = {779},
  year      = {1994},
  isbn      = {3-540-57818-8},
  pages     = {301-308},
  ee        = {db/conf/edbt/ZhaoJM94.html},
  crossref  = {DBLP:conf/edbt/94},
  bibsource = {DBLP,}

ACM SIGMOD Anthology

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Journal Version

X. Zhao, Roger G. Johnson, Nigel J. Martin: DBJ - a Dynamic Balancing Hash Join algorithm in multiprocessor database systems. Inf. Syst. 19(1): 89-100(1994) BibTeX


David J. DeWitt, Robert H. Gerber: Multiprocessor Hash-Based Join Algorithms. VLDB 1985: 151-164 BibTeX
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Kien A. Hua, Chiang Lee: Handling Data Skew in Multiprocessor Database Computers Using Partition Tuning. VLDB 1991: 525-535 BibTeX
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Hongjun Lu, Kian-Lee Tan, Ming-Chien Shan: Hash-Based Join Algorithms for Multiprocessor Computers. VLDB 1990: 198-209 BibTeX
Donovan A. Schneider, David J. DeWitt: A Performance Evaluation of Four Parallel Join Algorithms in a Shared-Nothing Multiprocessor Environment. SIGMOD Conference 1989: 110-121 BibTeX
Christopher B. Walton, Alfred G. Dale, Roy M. Jenevein: A Taxonomy and Performance Model of Data Skew Effects in Parallel Joins. VLDB 1991: 537-548 BibTeX
Gary D. Knott: Hashing Functions. Comput. J. 18(3): 265-278(1975) BibTeX
Witold Litwin, Marie-Anne Neimat, Donovan A. Schneider: LH* - Linear Hashing for Distributed Files. SIGMOD Conference 1993: 327-336 BibTeX
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