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DFVLR Seminar: Parallel Computing in Science and Engineering 1987: Bonn, FRG

Rüdiger Dierstein, Dieter Müller-Wichards, Hans-Martin Wacker (Eds.): Parallel Computing in Science and Engineering, 4th International DFVLR Seminar on Foundations of Engineering Sciences, Bonn, Federal Republic of Germany, June 25/26 1987, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 295 Springer 1988, ISBN 3-540-18923-8 BibTeX
  editor    = {R{\"u}diger Dierstein and
               Dieter M{\"u}ller-Wichards and
               Hans-Martin Wacker},
  title     = {Parallel Computing in Science and Engineering, 4th International
               DFVLR Seminar on Foundations of Engineering Sciences, Bonn, Federal
               Republic of Germany, June 25/26 1987, Proceedings},
  booktitle = {Parallel Computing in Science and Engineering},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  volume    = {295},
  year      = {1988},
  isbn      = {3-540-18923-8},
  bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}

Introduction to the Seminar

Parallel Computer Architectures

Software and Languages

Algorithms and Applications

Copyright © Sat May 16 23:06:37 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)