A Functional Object Language.

Christian Laasch, Marc H. Scholl: A Functional Object Language. DBPL 1993: 136-156
  author    = {Christian Laasch and
               Marc H. Scholl},
  editor    = {Catriel Beeri and
               Atsushi Ohori and
               Dennis Shasha},
  title     = {A Functional Object Language},
  booktitle = {Database Programming Languages (DBPL-4), Proceedings of the Fourth
               International Workshop on Database Programming Languages - Object
               Models and Languages, Manhattan, New York City, USA, 30 August
               - 1 September 1993},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {Workshops in Computing},
  year      = {1993},
  isbn      = {3-540-19853-9},
  pages     = {136-156},
  ee        = {db/conf/dbpl/LaaschS93.html},
  crossref  = {DBLP:conf/dbpl/93},
  bibsource = {DBLP,}

ACM SIGMOD Anthology

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Serge Abiteboul, Catriel Beeri: The Power of Languages for the Manipulation of Complex Values. VLDB J. 4(4): 727-794(1995) BibTeX
Serge Abiteboul, Paris C. Kanellakis: Object Identity as a Query Language Primitive. SIGMOD Conference 1989: 159-173 BibTeX
Herman Balsters, Chris C. de Vreeze: A Semantics of Object-Oriented Sets. DBPL 1991: 203-217 BibTeX
Herman Balsters, Maarten M. Fokkinga: Subtyping Can Have a Simple Semantics. Theor. Comput. Sci. 87(1): 81-96(1991) BibTeX
François Bancilhon, Ted Briggs, Setrag Khoshafian, Patrick Valduriez: FAD, a Powerful and Simple Database Language. VLDB 1987: 97-105 BibTeX
Catriel Beeri: Formal Models for Object Oriented Databases. DOOD 1989: 405-430 BibTeX
Peter Buneman, Atsushi Ohori: Polymorphism and Type Inference in Database Programming. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 21(1): 30-76(1996) BibTeX
Luca Cardelli, Peter Wegner: On Understanding Types, Data Abstraction, and Polymorphism. ACM Comput. Surv. 17(4): 471-522(1985) BibTeX
Daniel H. Fishman, Jurgen Annevelink, David Beech, E. C. Chow, Tim Connors, J. W. Davis, Waqar Hasan, C. G. Hoch, William Kent, S. Leichner, Peter Lyngbæk, Brom Mahbod, Marie-Anne Neimat, Tore Risch, Ming-Chien Shan, W. Kevin Wilkinson: Overview of the Iris DBMS. Object-Oriented Concepts, Databases, and Applications 1989: 219-250 BibTeX
Richard Hull, Roger King: Semantic Database Modeling: Survey, Applications, and Research Issues. ACM Comput. Surv. 19(3): 201-260(1987) BibTeX
Christian Laasch, Marc H. Scholl: Generic Update Operations Keeping Object-Oriented Databases Consistent. IS/KI 1992: 40-55 BibTeX
Christian Laasch, Marc H. Scholl: Deterministic Semantics of Set-Oriented Update Sequences. ICDE 1993: 4-13 BibTeX
Michael V. Mannino, Injun Choi, Don S. Batory: The Object-Oriented Functional Data Language. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 16(11): 1258-1272(1990) BibTeX
Atsushi Ohori, Peter Buneman, Val Tannen: Database Programming in Machiavelli - a Polymorphic Language with Static Type Inference. SIGMOD Conference 1989: 46-57 BibTeX
Joel E. Richardson, Peter M. Schwarz: Aspects: Extending Objects to Support Multiple, Independent Roles. SIGMOD Conference 1991: 298-307 BibTeX
Hans-Jörg Schek, Marc H. Scholl: The relational model with relation-valued attributes. Inf. Syst. 11(2): 137-147(1986) BibTeX
Marc H. Scholl, Christian Laasch, Markus Tresch: Updatable Views in Object-Oriented Databases. DOOD 1991: 189-207 BibTeX
Marc H. Scholl, Hans-Jörg Schek: A Relational Object Model. ICDT 1990: 89-105 BibTeX
Edward Sciore: Object Specialization. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 7(2): 103-122(1989) BibTeX
Gail M. Shaw, Stanley B. Zdonik: A Query Algebra for Object-Oriented Databases. ICDE 1990: 154-162 BibTeX
Dave D. Straube, M. Tamer Özsu: Queries and Query Processing in Object-Oriented Database Systems. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 8(4): 387-430(1990) BibTeX
D. A. Turner: Miranda: A Non-Strict Functional language with Polymorphic Types. FPCA 1985: 1-16 BibTeX
W. Kevin Wilkinson, Peter Lyngbæk, Waqar Hasan: The Iris Architecture and Implementation. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 2(1): 63-75(1990) BibTeX

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