A Middleware Implementation of Active Rules for ODBMS.

Sang B. Yoo, K. C. Kim, Sang Kyun Cha: A Middleware Implementation of Active Rules for ODBMS. DASFAA 1999: 347-354
  author    = {Sang B. Yoo and
               K. C. Kim and
               Sang Kyun Cha},
  editor    = {Arbee L. P. Chen and
               Frederick H. Lochovsky},
  title     = {A Middleware Implementation of Active Rules for ODBMS},
  booktitle = {Database Systems for Advanced Applications, Proceedings of the
               Sixth International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced
               Applications (DASFAA), April 19-21, Hsinchu, Taiwan},
  publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
  year      = {1999},
  isbn      = {0-7695-0084-6},
  pages     = {347-354},
  ee        = {db/conf/dasfaa/YooKC99.html},
  crossref  = {DBLP:conf/dasfaa/99},
  bibsource = {DBLP,}


Throughout many research and development projects for active rule systems, active rules are implemented with different syntaxes and semantics. It becomes one of the stumbling blocks to apply active database systems especially in networked heterogeneous multidatabase environments. Utilizing the recent development of CORBA and ODMG standards, a middleware approach to provide active rule systems for heterogeneous ODBMS is presented in this paper. The active rule system described is applied for integrity maintenance of spatial objects. According to the events included in application programs, the active rules represented in ECA type are inserted into the program by a preprocessor. One advantage of this compile approach is that the preprocessed program can be compiled and executed without the overhead of runtime monitoring. For the changed rules after compilation, a run time interpreter is included in the executable program.

Copyright © 1999 by The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc. (IEEE). Abstract used with permission.


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Contents BibTeX
Sang B. Yoo, Sang Kyun Cha: Integrity Maintenance in a Heterogeneous Engineering Database Environment. Data Knowl. Eng. 21(3): 347-363(1997) BibTeX
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