An Approach for Generating File Interfaces.
Andreas Ebert, Uwe Hohenstein, Michael Höding:
An Approach for Generating File Interfaces.
DASFAA 1999: 61-68@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/dasfaa/EbertHH99,
author = {Andreas Ebert and
Uwe Hohenstein and
Michael H{\"o}ding},
editor = {Arbee L. P. Chen and
Frederick H. Lochovsky},
title = {An Approach for Generating File Interfaces},
booktitle = {Database Systems for Advanced Applications, Proceedings of the
Sixth International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced
Applications (DASFAA), April 19-21, Hsinchu, Taiwan},
publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
year = {1999},
isbn = {0-7695-0084-6},
pages = {61-68},
ee = {db/conf/dasfaa/EbertHH99.html},
crossref = {DBLP:conf/dasfaa/99},
bibsource = {DBLP,}
This paper deals with generating interfaces to files. The presented approach consists of two main parts: First, describing the file
structure in an object-oriented manner, and second, manipulating the files by means of either SQL or ODMG2.0 object
manipulation and querying. The principle of the approach is centered around a powerful specification language. Using this
language, the structure of file contents is specified. Given such a specification, a generator automatically installs a corresponding
relational database. Moreover, an adapter is generated that parses files and transfers the unstructured data from files to the
structured relational database. Afterwards, the data can be handled by means of SQL. In addition, a semantic enrichment process
can be used to achieve an object-oriented view of the data and an ODMG2.0 conforming access.
Copyright © 1999 by The Institute of
Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc. (IEEE).
Abstract used with permission.
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MITP-Verlag 1999, ISBN 3-8266-0513-6
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