The SIGMOD Awards Committee has selected for 2009:
Masaru Kitsuregawa is the recipient of the 2009 SIGMOD Edgar
F. Codd Innovations Award for contributions to high-performance
database technology.
Kitsuregawa made major contributions to the development of hash-join
algorithms, which significantly improved the performance of
join operations in relational database systems. That work has influenced
related research in areas such as query execution, plan optimization
and dynamic query-workload balancing, as well as the development of
commercial database products. He implemented the hash-based approach on
a variety of platforms, including the Functional Disk System and
multi-node PC clusters, demonstrating its substantial advantages through
detailed evaluations. He has also applied hash-based strategies to parallel
association mining and showed its effectiveness there. His contributions
in the hardware area include a high-speed sorting system with a
sophisticated memory management algorithm. That work was eventually
commercialized in collaboration with colleagues, and won the Datamation
sort benchmark in 2000.
Beng Chin Ooi is the recipient of the 2009 SIGMOD Contributions
Award for his sustained and selfless contributions to the database
community in promoting and pursuing high standards of database
research at both the international and regional level.
Beng Chin Ooi has been consistently involved in activities that
push the frontier of database research. He has taken leadership roles
on technical programs for ICDE, SSD, SIGMOD and VLDB. He has helped
ensure a high standard for database journal publications as an editor for
The VLDB Journal, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering,
International Journal of Geographical Information Science, and
Geoinformatca. Currently, he is the editor-in-chief of IEEE
Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, and an editor for
the Distributed and Parallel Databases journal. He also serves on the
SIGMOD Doctoral Dissertation Award committee and on the board of the
VLDB Endowment. Ooi has contributed greatly to promoting database research,
especially in the Asia-Pacific region, by building a eminent database
group at the National University of Singapore that supports high quality
research throughout the region through direct collaborations and
participation in regional conferences.
The recipient of the 2009 SIGMOD Test of Time Award is:
This influential paper showed that aggregates over sparse,
high-dimensional arrays can be approximated with wavelets to give a
compact data-cube representation that supports queries at interactive
speeds. Prior histogram- based methods had prohibitive I/O costs for
massive data sets of high dimensionality. The method is more accurate
than random sampling and supports progressive refinement of answers
when additional accuracy is desired. The paper inspired significant
follow-on work by others, in the OLAP domain and also more broadly in
approximate query processing, selectivity estimation, indexing of
images and time series, and data-stream processing.
The 2009 ACM SIGMOD Awards Nomination Announcement.
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