Belief Reasoning in MLS Deductive Databases

Hasan M. Jamil*
Department of Computer Science, Mississippi State University


It is envisaged that application of the MLS scheme will enhance the implementation of flexible and effective authorization policies in shared enterprise databases without the need for defining complicated views on a per user basis. The abundant recent research into MLS relational databases unequivocally substantiates this vision and asserts that an authorization policy as stringent as multi-level security is essential for sensitive defense and corporate database applications. However, as advances in this area are being made and ideas crystallized, the concomitant weaknesses are also surfacing. An acute problem with the current model is that the belief at a higher user level is cluttered with irrelevant or inconsistent data as it offers no mechanism to attenuate such data as needed. Critics also argue that it is imperative for users to theorize about the belief of other users at different levels. Current models, unfortunately, do not facilitate such reasoning at all. The need to provide a framework for belief reasoning in MLS databases provides the impetus for our current research. We demonstrate that a prudent application of the idea of inheritance in a deductive setting will help capture the notion of belief and belief reasoning in MLS databases in an elegant way. We develop a function to compute belief in multiple modes which can be used to reason about the beliefs of other users. In this paper, we strive to develop a poised and practical logical characterization of MLS databases for the first time based on the inherently difficult concept of inheritance. We present an extension of the acclaimed Datalog language, called the MultiLog, and show that Datalog is a special case of our language.

Key Words: MLS databases, belief assertion, reasoning, inheritance and overriding, deductive databases.