Xmas: An Extensible Main-Memory Storage System
for High-Performance Applications

Jang Ho Park (Seoul National University)
Young Sik Kwon (Seoul National University)
Ki Hong Kim (Seoul National University)
Sang Ho Lee (Seoul National University)
Byoung Dae Park (Seoul National University)
Sang Kyun Cha (Seoul National University)

Xmas is an extensible main-memory storage system for high-performance embedded database applications. Xmas not only provides the core functionality of DBMS, such as data persistence, crash recovery, and concurrency control, but also pursues an extensible architecture to meet the requirements from various application areas. One crucial aspect of such extensibility is that an application developer can compose application-specific, high-level operations with a basic set of operations provided by the system. Called composite actions in Xmas, these operations are processed by a customized Xmas server with minimum interaction with application processes, thus improving the overall performance. This paper first presents the architecture and functionality of Xmas, and then demonstrates a simulation of mobile communication service.