amdb: An Access Method Debugging Tool
Marcel Kornacker (U.C. Berkeley)
Mehul Shah (U.C. Berkeley)
Joseph M. Hellerstein (U.C. Berkeley)

The design and tuning of new access methods (AMs) for non-traditional data types and application areas has always been more of a black art than a rigorous discipline. The designer can only rely on intuition to come up with an effective design; its evaluation and profiling require tedious instrumentation of complex AM code and a host of hand-written scripts. To address these issues, we developed amdb, a visual AM ``debugging'' tool to support the AM design and implementation process. It is based on the GiST ( Generalized Search Tree) framework for AM construction, which offers the designer an abstracted view of a tree-structured AM and factors out the mechanical aspects of an AM implementation, such as tree traversal, concurrency control and recovery. Amdb is a visual analysis, debugging and profiling tool for AMs that are written as extensions of libgist, a public-domain stand-alone C++ implementation of GiSTs.