Digital Symposium Collection 2000  



Data Management Issues in Electronic Commerce (Panel)

M. Tamer Özsu

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Electronic commerce (e-commerce), in its most general definition, refers to selling and buying using electronic means over a computer network. In this context, it is not an entirely new activity; its genesis is traced back to the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) activity in the 1960’s. EDI [1] refers to the set of activities that are related to the electronic facilitation of the transactions between vendors (merchants) and buyers (customers) (purchase orders, waybills, manifests and schedules). The current context of electronic commerce, sometimes referred to as "Internet commerce" [2] due to its dependence on the Internet as the underlying platform, is significantly wider.


Note: References link to DBLP on the Web.

Raymond Pyle : Electronic Commerce and the Internet (Introduction to the Special Section). CACM 39(6) : 22(1996)


  author    = {M. Tamer {\"O}zsu},
   editor    = {Alex Delis and
                Christos Faloutsos and
                Shahram Ghandeharizadeh},
   title     = {Data Management Issues in Electronic Commerce (Panel)},
   booktitle = {SIGMOD 1999, Proceedings ACM SIGMOD International Conference
                on Management of Data, June 1-3, 1999, Philadephia, Pennsylvania,
   publisher = {ACM Press},
   year      = {1999},
   isbn      = {1-58113-084-8},
   pages     = {505},
   crossref  = {DBLP:conf/sigmod/99},
   bibsource = {DBLP,} } },

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