Digital Symposium Collection 2000  



Isabel F. Cruz

A User-Centered Interface for Querying Distributed Multimedia Databases


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Isabel F. Cruz

25 Isabel F. Cruz, Parag S. Mahalley : Temporal Synchronization in Multimedia Presentations. ICMCS, Vol. 2 1999 : 851-856

24 Isabel F. Cruz, Kimberly M. James : A User-Centered Interface for Querying Distributed Multimedia Databases. SIGMOD Conference 1999 : 590-593

23 Isabel F. Cruz: Special Issue on User Interfaces for Digital Libraries - Editorial. Int. J. on Digital Libraries 2 (2-3): 67 (1999)

22 Isabel F. Cruz, Slava Borisov , Michael A. Marks , Timothy R. Webb : Measuring Structural Similarity Among Web Documents: Preliminary Results. EP 1998 : 513-524

21 Isabel F. Cruz, Donald I. Lambe : Implementation of an Efficient Constraint Solver for the Layout of Graphs in Delaunay. Graph Drawing 1998 : 436-437

20 Isabel F. Cruz, Kim Marriott , Pascal Van Hentenryck : Introduction to the Special Issue. Constraints 3 (1): 5-7 (1998)

19 Isabel F. Cruz, Wendy T. Lucas : Automatic Generation of User-Defined Virtual Documents Using Query and Layout Templates. TAPOS 4 (4): 245-260 (1998)

18 Isabel F. Cruz, Wendy T. Lucas : A Visual Approach to Multimedia Querying and Presentation. ACM Multimedia 1997 : 109-120

17 Isabel F. Cruz, Michael Averbuch , Wendy T. Lucas , Melissa Radzyminski , Kirby Zhang : Delaunay: A Database Visualization System. SIGMOD Conference 1997 : 510-513

16 Isabel F. Cruz, Wendy T. Lucas : Delaunay MM : A Visual Framework for Multimedia Presentation. VL 1997 : 216-223

15 James E. Baker , Isabel F. Cruz, Giuseppe Liotta , Roberto Tamassia : Animating Geometric Algorithms Over the Web. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1996 : C-3-C-4

14 Brad A. Myers , James D. Hollan , Isabel F. Cruz: Strategic Directions in Human-Computer Interaction. Computing Surveys 28 (4): 794-809 (1996)

13 Isabel F. Cruz: Tailorable Information Visualization. Computing Surveys 28 (4es): 133 (1996)

12 Tiziana Catarci , Isabel F. Cruz: Information Visualization, Guest Editors' Foreword. SIGMOD Record 25 (4): 14-15 (1996)

11 Isabel F. Cruz, Joseph P. Twarog : 3D Graph Drawing with Simulated Annealing. Graph Drawing 1995 : 162-165

10 Tiziana Catarci , Maria Francesca Costabile , Isabel F. Cruz, Yannis E. Ioannidis , Ben Shneiderman : Panel: Data Models, Visual Representations, Metaphors: How to Solve the Puzzle? VDB 1995 : 177-182

9 James E. Baker , Isabel F. Cruz, Giuseppe Liotta , Roberto Tamassia : A New Model for Algorithm Animation Over the WWW. Computing Surveys 27 (4): 568-572 (1995)

8 Isabel F. Cruz: User-Defined Visual Query Languages. VL 1994 : 224-231

7 Tiziana Catarci , Isabel F. Cruz: On Expressing Stratified Datalog. Workshop on Deductive Databases and Logic Programming 1994 : 85-100

6 Isabel F. Cruz: Using a Visual Constraint Language for Data Display Specification. PPCP 1993 : 22-33

5 Isabel F. Cruz: DOODLE: A Visual Language for Object-Oriented Databases. SIGMOD Conference 1992 : 71-80

4 Mariano P. Consens , Isabel F. Cruz, Alberto O. Mendelzon : Visualizing Queries and Querying Visualizations. SIGMOD Record 21 (1): 39-46 (1992)

3 Isabel F. Cruz, Theodore S. Norvell : Aggregative Closure: An Extension of Transitive Closure. ICDE 1989 : 384-391

2 Isabel F. Cruz, Alberto O. Mendelzon , Peter T. Wood : G+: Recursive Queries Without Recursion. Expert Database Conf. 1988 : 645-666

1 Isabel F. Cruz, Alberto O. Mendelzon , Peter T. Wood : A Graphical Query Language Supporting Recursion. SIGMOD Conference 1987 : 323-330

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