Digital Symposium Collection 2000  



C. Gupta

DataBlitz Storage Manager: Main Memory Database Performance for Critical Applications


Note: Links lead to the DBLP on the Web.

C. Gupta

2 Jerry Baulier , Philip Bohannon , S. Gogate , C. Gupta, S. Haldar , S. Joshi , A. Khivesera , Henry F. Korth , P. McIlroy , J. Miller , P. P. S. Narayan , M. Nemeth , Rajeev Rastogi , S. Seshadri , Abraham Silberschatz , S. Sudarshan , M. Wilder , C. Wei : DataBlitz Storage Manager: Main Memory Database Performance for Critical Applications. SIGMOD Conference 1999 : 519-520

1 Jerry Baulier , Philip Bohannon , S. Gogate , S. Joshi , C. Gupta, A. Khivesera , Henry F. Korth , P. McIlroy , J. Miller , P. P. S. Narayan , M. Nemeth , Rajeev Rastogi , Abraham Silberschatz , S. Sudarshan : DataBlitz: A High Performance Main-Memory Storage Manager. VLDB 1998 : 701

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