Volume 7, Number 1, 1998
- Robert Fisher, John Fulcher:
Improving the Inversion of Ionograms by Combining Neural Network and Data Fusion Techniques.
3-16 BibTeX
- Sushmita Mitra, Mohua Banerjee, Sankar K. Pal:
Rough Knowledge-based Network, Fuzziness and Classification.
17-25 BibTeX
- Philippe De Wilde:
A Neural Network Model of a Communication Network with Information Servers.
26-36 BibTeX
- Sandro Ridella, Stefano Rovetta, Rodolfo Zunino:
Plastic Algorithm for Adaptive Vector Quantisation.
37-51 BibTeX
- Antanas Verikas, Kerstin Malmqvist, Lars Bergman, Mikael Signahl:
Colour Classification by Neural Networks in Graphic Arts.
52-64 BibTeX
- P. Caleb, Peter K. Sharpe:
Self Organising Maps for the Investigation of Clinical Data: A Case Study.
65-70 BibTeX
- Zhihong Man, H. R. Wu, Xinghuo Yu:
A RBF Neural Network-based Adaptive Control for SISO Linearisable Nonlinear Systems.
71-77 BibTeX
- Marijke F. Augusteijn, U. J. Steck:
Supervised Adaptive Clustering: A Hybrid Neural Network Clustering Algorithm.
78-89 BibTeX
- Y. F. Lou, P. Brunn:
An Offset Error Compensation Method for Improving ANN Accuracy when used for Position Control of Precision Machinery.
90-95 BibTeX
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:15:05 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)