Volume 65,
Number 1,
January 1994
- Peter McMullen:
Locally Projective Regular Polytopes.
1-10 BibTeX
- Ernesto Damiani, Ottavio M. D'Antona, Francesco Regonati:
Whitney Numbers of Some Geometric Lattices.
11-25 BibTeX
- Stratis Kounias, Christos Koukouvinos, N. Nikolaou, A. Kakos:
The Non-equivalent Circulant D-Optimal Designs for n=2 mod 4, n<=54, n=66.
26-38 BibTeX
- Hans Cuypers:
Symplectic Geometries, Transvection Groups, and Modules.
39-59 BibTeX
- Peter Müller:
On the Collineation Group of Cyclic Planes.
60-66 BibTeX
- Konrad Engel:
On the Average Rank of an Element in a Filter of the Partition Lattice.
67-78 BibTeX
- Jeffrey Stroomer:
Insertion and the Multiplication of Rational Schur Functions.
79-116 BibTeX
- Yaakov S. Kupitz:
Spanned K-Supporting Hyperplanes of Finite Sets in Rd.
117-136 BibTeX
- Yoav Segev:
Some Remarks on Finite 1-Acyclic and Collapsible Complexes.
137-150 BibTeX
- D. Loeb, Ernesto Damiani, Ottavio M. D'Antona:
Decompositions of Bn and PIn Using Symmetric Chains.
151-157 BibTeX
- Warwick de Launey, Jeremy E. Dawson:
An Asymptotic Result on the Existence of Generalised Hadamard Matrices.
158-163 BibTeX
- Michel Dehon:
A Geometry of Rank 5 Associated with PGO5(3).
164-171 BibTeX
Volume 65,
Number 2,
February 1994
- Martin Funk:
On Configurations of Type nk with Constant Degree of Irreducibility.
173-201 BibTeX
- Alexander Pott:
On the Structure of Abelian Groups Admitting Divisible Difference Sets.
202-213 BibTeX
- Krishnaswami Alladi:
On the Modified Convergence of Some Continued Fractions of Rogers-Ramanujan Type.
214-245 BibTeX
- Richard A. Duke, Vojtech Rödl:
The Erdös-Ko-Rado Theorem for Small Families.
246-251 BibTeX
- R. Julian R. Abel:
Forty-Three Balanced Incomplete Block Designs.
252-267 BibTeX
- Jeffrey H. Dinitz, Esther R. Lamken:
Howell Designs with Sub-designs.
268-301 BibTeX
- György Csizmadia, Géza Tóth:
Note on a Ramsey-Type Problem in Geometry.
302-306 BibTeX
- William M. Kantor, Chihiro Suetake:
A Note on Some Flag-Transitive Affine Planes.
307-310 BibTeX
- Boris Aronov, Jirí Matousek, Micha Sharir:
On the Sum of Squares of Cell Complexities in Hyperplane Arrangements.
311-321 BibTeX
- David A. Drake, Cyrus Kitto:
Small Blocking Sets of Hermitian Designs.
322-329 BibTeX
- Daniel McQuillan, R. Bruce Richter:
Equality in a Result of Kleitman.
330-333 BibTeX
- D. A. Duffus, Hal A. Kierstead, Hunter S. Snevily:
An Explicit 1-Factorization in the Middle of the Boolean Lattice.
334-342 BibTeX
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:08:36 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)