Volume 131,
Numbers 1-4,
January 2001
- Donald L. Hung, Karl Hillesland, Jun Wang:
Architecture and design of a hardware accelerator for efficient 3D object recognition using the LC method.
1-18 BibTeX
- Muhammed Al-Mulhem, Mohammed Ather:
MRG parser for visual languages.
19-46 BibTeX
- Jin-Cherng Lin, Pu-Lin Yeh:
Automatic test data generation for path testing using GAs.
47-64 BibTeX
- J. K. Kishore, Lalit M. Patnaik, V. Mani, V. K. Agrawal:
Genetic programming based pattern classification with feature space partitioning.
65-86 BibTeX
- A. Chawki Osseiran:
Qualitative Bayesian networks.
87-106 BibTeX
- Jyh-Jian Sheu, Jimmy J. M. Tan, Lih-Hsing Hsu:
Routing properties of supercubes.
107-128 BibTeX
- J. W. Guan, David A. Bell, Z. Guan:
Matrix computation for information systems.
129-156 BibTeX
- Germano Resconi, I. Burhan Türksen:
Canonical forms of fuzzy truthoods by meta-theory based upon modal logic.
157-194 BibTeX
- Donald Bamber, I. R. Goodman, Hung T. Nguyen:
Extension of the concept of propositional deduction from classical logic to probability: an overview of probability-selection approaches.
195-250 BibTeX
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:04:31 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)