Review - Data Processing Spheres of Control.
Krithi Ramamritham:
Review - Data Processing Spheres of Control.
ACM SIGMOD Digital Review 2: (2000) BibTeX
Davies (in collaboration with L. J. Bjork) introduced a single
abstract control structure, namely ``Spheres of Control'' to achieve
flexible semantics for almost every aspect of transaction execution:
process (read: transaction) atomicity, commitment, dependencies
between transactions, concurrency control, consistency, and
recovery. In simple terms, a sphere of control can be viewed as a
boundary around the effects of an arbitrary set of operations that can
be unilaterally revoked or committed. Spheres can be nested,
sequenced, or parallelized. Reading this paper today, anyone working
in the area of advanced concurrency control and transaction processing
is bound to ask ``so, what else is new''? What is ``new'' is that the
work reported in this paper was done in the early-mid 70's! Arguably,
everything that has since been ``proposed'' -- for utilizing
application and data semantics for better concurrency control and
recovery -- is a reinvention of ideas introduced here, with more
waiting to be reinvented. Unfortunately since many of the terms used
in the paper are archaic and predate ACID, it does take a certain
amount of effort to translate, and appreciate the concepts ``hidden''
in the paper, in terms of what is well understood today.
So, this is a paper I wish everyone -- especially, those who have done
work on advanced transaction models -- had read before embarking on
their work on transactions. As it turned out, I myself came across
Spheres only towards the end of our work on the ACTA. It was
gratifying to note that we had not fallen prey to the original
temptation of inventing yet another transaction model, but had instead
developed a formal framework using which one could analyze and
synthesize advanced transaction models. Since then, I have been
influenced not only by the perspective offered by the concepts
underlying Spheres but also by the fact that in developing these
concepts, Davies was inspired by how human organizations perform their
activities and share resources.
Copyright © 2000 by the author(s).
Review published with permission.
- [1]
- Charles T. Davies Jr.:
Data Processing Spheres of Control.
IBM Systems Journal 17(2): 179-198(1978) BibTeX
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