Review - Mining Association Rules between Sets of Items in Large Databases.
Philip S. Yu:
Review - Mining Association Rules between Sets of Items in Large Databases.
ACM SIGMOD Digital Review 1: (1999) BibTeX
This paper provides a mathematical formulation of the association rule
mining problem, where the association rule problem tries to identify the
set of items often appeared together in a transaction. It decomposes the
problem into two subproblems. The first one is on the generation of large
item sets based on support and the second one is on deriving the
association rules from the large item sets based on confidence. This
pioneer work has provided an elegant problem formulation that transforms
an abstract problem into an algorithmic problem. It opens up a new area for
future research. In additional to potential research opportunities for
faster mining algorithms and model extensions, I was most intrigued by the
issues on the statistical significance of the rules by considering
alternative measures other than support and confidence such as collective
strength which is a correlation type measure, and also on the on-line
interactive generation of the rules to give users more control on what
rules to generate and how to specify the parameters.
Copyright © 1999 by the author(s).
Review published with permission.
- [1]
- Rakesh Agrawal, Tomasz Imielinski, Arun N. Swami:
Mining Association Rules between Sets of Items in Large Databases.
SIGMOD Conference 1993: 207-216 BibTeX
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