Volume 4,
- José Luis Montaña, Luis Miguel Pardo:
Lower Bounds for Arithmetic Networks.
1-24 BibTeX
- Jean Conan, Gérald E. Séguin:
Structural Properties and Enumeration of Quasi Cyclic Codes.
25-39 BibTeX
- Hari Krishna:
On a Signal Processing Algorithms Based Class of Linear Codes.
41-57 BibTeX
- Reinhold Pieper:
Cryptanalysis of Rédei- and Dickson Permutations on Arbitary Finite Rings.
59-76 BibTeX
- J. A. Thiong-Ly:
A Serial Version of the Pohlig-Hellman Algorithm for Computing Discrete Logarithms.
77-80 BibTeX
- Harald Niederreiter:
A New Efficient Factorization Algorithm for Polynomial over Small Finite Fields.
81-87 BibTeX
- Ian F. Blake, Shuhong Gao, Ronald C. Mullin:
Explicit Factorization of x2k + 1 over Fp with Prime p= 3 mod 4.
89-94 BibTeX
- Philippe Langevin:
Almost Perfect Binary Functions.
95-102 BibTeX
- Maria Grazia Marinari, H. Michael Möller, Teo Mora:
Gröbner Bases of Ideals Defined by Functionals with an Application to Ideals of Projective Points.
103-145 BibTeX
- Alexander Bockmayr:
Conditional Narrowing Modulo of Set of Equations.
147-168 BibTeX
- Jan Verschelde, Ronald Cools:
Symbolic Homotopy Construction.
169-183 BibTeX
- Moulay A. Barkatou:
An Algorithm for Computing a Companion Block Dianonal Form for a System of Liniear Differential Equations.
185-195 BibTeX
- Abdallah Assi:
Standard Bases, Critical Tropisms and Flatness.
197-215 BibTeX
- H. Michael Möller:
On Decomposing Systems of Polynomial Equations with Finitely Many Solutions.
217-230 BibTeX
- Abdallah Assi, Teo Mora:
The Virtues of Laziness: Complexity of the Tangent Cone Algorithm.
231-238 BibTeX
- Laurent Gournay, Jean-Jacques Risler:
Construction of Roadmaps in Semi-Algebraic Sets.
239-252 BibTeX
- Rudolf Ahlswede, Ning Cai:
Rank Formulas for Certain Products of Matrices.
253-261 BibTeX
- Igor Shparlinski:
Finding Irreducible and Primitive Polynomials.
263-268 BibTeX
- Alexander A. Letichevsky, M. S. Lvov:
Discovery of Invariant Equalities in Programs over Data Fields.
269-286 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:49:03 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)