
Vadim E. Zverovich

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11EEVadim E. Zverovich: The k-tuple domination number revisited. Appl. Math. Lett. 21(10): 1005-1011 (2008)
10EEAndrei Gagarin, Vadim E. Zverovich: A generalised upper bound for the k-tuple domination number. Discrete Mathematics 308(5-6): 880-885 (2008)
9 Vadim E. Zverovich: The Computer System GRAPHOGRAPH. ACiD 2006: 160
8EEIgor E. Zverovich, Vadim E. Zverovich: Basic perfect graphs and their extensions. Discrete Mathematics 293(1-3): 291-311 (2005)
7EEIgor E. Zverovich, Vadim E. Zverovich: The Domination Parameters of Cubic Graphs. Graphs and Combinatorics 21(2): 277-288 (2005)
6EEIgor E. Zverovich, Vadim E. Zverovich: Locally Well-Dominated and Locally Independent Well-Dominated Graphs. Graphs and Combinatorics 19(2): 279-288 (2003)
5EELutz Volkmann, Vadim E. Zverovich: A disproof of Henning's conjecture on irredundance perfect graphs. Discrete Mathematics 254(1-3): 539-554 (2002)
4EEDieter Rautenbach, Vadim E. Zverovich: Perfect graphs of strong domination and independent strong domination. Discrete Mathematics 226(1-3): 297-311 (2001)
3EEGregory Gutin, Vadim E. Zverovich: Upper domination and upper irredundance perfect graphs. Discrete Mathematics 190(1-3): 95-105 (1998)
2EER. I. Tyshkevich, Vadim E. Zverovich: Line hypergraphs. Discrete Mathematics 161(1-3): 265-283 (1996)
1EEIgor E. Zverovich, Vadim E. Zverovich: Contributions to the theory of graphic sequences. Discrete Mathematics 105(1-3): 293-303 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1Andrei Gagarin [10]
2Gregory Gutin [3]
3Dieter Rautenbach [4]
4R. I. Tyshkevich [2]
5Lutz Volkmann [5]
6Igor E. Zverovich [1] [6] [7] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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