
Pranas Zunde

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9EEPranas Zunde: Empirical laws and theories of information and software sciences. Inf. Process. Manage. 20(1-2): 5-18 (1984)
8EEPranas Zunde: Selected bibliography on information theory applications to information science and related subject areas. Inf. Process. Manage. 20(3): 417-497 (1984)
7EEV. Venkata Rao, Pranas Zunde: Some approaches to modeling complex information systems. Inf. Process. Manage. 18(3): 151-160 (1982)
6EEPranas Zunde: Predictive models of information systems. Inf. Process. Manage. 17(2): 103-111 (1981)
5EEPranas Zunde: Information theory and information science. Inf. Process. Manage. 17(6): 341-347 (1981)
4EEPranas Zunde, John M. Gehl: Fire-relevant literature and its availability. Inf. Process. Manage. 12(1): 53-61 (1976)
3EEPranas Zunde: Structural models of complex information sources. Information Storage and Retrieval 7(1): 1-18 (1971)
2EEPranas Zunde, V. Slamecka: Predictive models of scientific progress. Information Storage and Retrieval 7(3): 103-109 (1971)
1 Pranas Zunde: Interactions in Linear Dynamical Systems, I Information and Control 18(5): 447-465 (1971)

Coauthor Index

1John M. Gehl [4]
2V. Venkata Rao [7]
3V. Slamecka [2]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)