
Yan Zou

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7EEYan Zou, Zhi Xiao: Data analysis approaches of soft sets under incomplete information. Knowl.-Based Syst. 21(8): 941-945 (2008)
6EEPeizhong Lu, Yan Zou: Fast computation of Gröbner basis of homogenous ideals of \mathbbF \mathbb{F} [ x, y ]. Science in China Series F: Information Sciences 51(4): 368-380 (2008)
5EEPeizhong Lu, Yan Zou: Fast Computations of Gröbner Bases and Blind Recognitions of Convolutional Codes. WAIFI 2007: 303-317
4EELi Shen, Peizhong Lu, Xiangyang Luo, Yan Zou: Equivalence of Punctured Convolutional Codes from Shift Equivalent Puncturing Patterns. ITCC (1) 2004: 786-
3 Glenn R. Luecke, Hua Chen, James Coyle, Jim Hoekstra, Marina Kraeva, Yan Zou: MPI-CHECK: a tool for checking Fortran 90 MPI programs. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 15(2): 93-100 (2003)
2EEZhiyan Du, Yan Zou, Peizhong Lu: An Optimized Spatial Data Hiding Scheme Combined with Convolutional Codes and Hilbert Scan. IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia 2002: 97-104
1 Glenn R. Luecke, Yan Zou, James Coyle, Jim Hoekstra, Marina Kraeva: Deadlock detection in MPI programs. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 14(11): 911-932 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Hua Chen [3]
2James Coyle [1] [3]
3Zhiyan Du [2]
4Jim Hoekstra [1] [3]
5Marina Kraeva [1] [3]
6Peizhong Lu [2] [4] [5] [6]
7Glenn R. Luecke [1] [3]
8Xiangyang Luo [4]
9Li Shen [4]
10Zhi Xiao [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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