
Hongxing Zou

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8EEWen-Jun Zeng, Xi-Lin Li, Hongxing Zou, Xian-Da Zhang: Near-field multiple source localization using joint diagonalization. Signal Processing 89(2): 232-238 (2009)
7EEHongxing Zou, Shiji Song, Zhixin Liu, Yongqiang Chen, Yanda Li: Acceleration-based Dopplerlet transform - Part I: Theory. Signal Processing 88(4): 934-951 (2008)
6EEHongxing Zou, Yongqiang Chen, Lin Qiao, Shiji Song, Xuan Lu, Yanda Li: Acceleration-based Dopplerlet transform - Part II: Implementations and applications to passive motion parameter estimation of moving sound source. Signal Processing 88(4): 952-971 (2008)
5EEJing Yang, Yunpeng Xu, Hongxing Zou: Probabilistic Tangent Subspace Method for Multiuser Detection. ICAPR (1) 2005: 553-559
4EEJing Yang, Yunpeng Xu, Hongxing Zou: Probabilistic Tangent Subspace Method for M-QAM Signal Equalization in Time-Varying Multipath Channels. ICIC (2) 2005: 949-957
3 Jing Yang, Hongxing Zou: Image Compression via 2-D Real Discrete Chirplets. VISION 2005: 107-109
2EEHongxing Zou, Dianjun Wang, Xianda Zhang, Yanda Li: Nonnegative time-frequency distributions for parametric time-frequency representations using semi-affine transformation group. Signal Processing 85(9): 1813-1826 (2005)
1EEDaizhi Liu, Ke Zhao, Hongxing Zou, Juan Su: Fractal analysis with applications to seismological pattern recognition of underground nuclear explosions. Signal Processing 80(9): 1849-1861 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Yongqiang Chen [6] [7]
2Xi-Lin Li [8]
3Yanda Li [2] [6] [7]
4Daizhi Liu [1]
5Zhixin Liu [7]
6Xuan Lu [6]
7Lin Qiao [6]
8Shiji Song [6] [7]
9Juan Su [1]
10Dianjun Wang [2]
11Yunpeng Xu [4] [5]
12Jing Yang [3] [4] [5]
13Wen-Jun Zeng [8]
14Xian-Da Zhang [8]
15Xianda Zhang [2]
16Ke Zhao [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)