
Shi Zhou

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13EEShi Zhou: Why the PFP Model Reproduces the Internet? ICC 2008: 203-207
12EEYuchun Guo, Changjia Chen, Shi Zhou: Inferring and visualizing topological structures of large-scale complex network. Infoscale 2007: 3
11EEShi Zhou, Ingemar J. Cox, Vaclav Petricek: Characterising Web Site Link Structure CoRR abs/0708.0741: (2007)
10EEYuchun Guo, Changjia Chen, Shi Zhou: A topology visualisation tool for large-scale communications networks CoRR abs/cs/0602034: (2006)
9EEShi Zhou, Raul J. Mondragón: Topological Discrepancies Among Internet Measurements Using Different Sampling Methodologies. ICOIN 2005: 207-214
8EEShi Zhou, Guo-Qiang Zhang, Guo-Qing Zhang: Chinese Internet AS-level Topology CoRR abs/cs/0511101: (2005)
7EEShi Zhou: Understanding the internet topology evolution dynamics CoRR abs/cs/0512011: (2005)
6EEShi Zhou, Raul J. Mondragón: Accurately modeling the Internet topology CoRR cs.NI/0402011: (2004)
5EEShi Zhou, Raul J. Mondragón: Redundancy and Robustness of the AS-level Internet topology and its models CoRR cs.NI/0402026: (2004)
4EEShi Zhou, Raul J. Mondragón: The missing links in the BGP-based AS connectivity maps CoRR cs.NI/0303028: (2003)
3EEShi Zhou, Raul J. Mondragón: Towards Modelling The Internet Topology - The Interactive Growth Model CoRR cs.NI/0303029: (2003)
2EEShi Zhou, Raul J. Mondragón: Analyzing and modelling the AS-level Internet topology CoRR cs.NI/0303030: (2003)
1EEShi Zhou, Raul J. Mondragón: The Rich-Club Phenomenon In The Internet Topology CoRR cs.NI/0308036: (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Changjia Chen [10] [12]
2Ingemar J. Cox [11]
3Yuchun Guo [10] [12]
4Raul J. Mondragón [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [9]
5Vaclav Petricek [11]
6Guo-Qiang Zhang [8]
7Guo-Qing Zhang [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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