
Mingwei Zhou

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5 Ammar Ahmed, Berman Kayis, Raden Kusumo, Mingwei Zhou, Yong Bing Khoo, Sule Savci: Risk Likelihood Analysis in Product Design - How Bayesian Belief Networks are Applied. IICAI 2005: 2476-2485
4 John P. T. Mo, Mingwei Zhou, Julia Anticev, Laszlo Nemes: Study On Coordination Of A Large Project In A Virtual Enterprise. PRO-VE 2003: 509-516
3 Mingwei Zhou, Jeffrey Zheng, Angela Williams, Bob Alexander: A Web-based Bidding Workbench for Global Manufacturing. DIISM 2000: 206-211
2 Mingwei Zhou: The Architecture of an Internet-based Virtual Industry Community. DIISM 2000: 61-65
1 Mingwei Zhou, Laszlo Nemes, M. Shinonome, H. Hashimoto, A. Fuse, Peter Bernus, Gregory Uppington: A Framework for Design A Virtual Manufacturing Enterprise and Its Implementation as a Workbench. DIISM 1998: 339-352

Coauthor Index

1Ammar Ahmed [5]
2Bob Alexander [3]
3Julia Anticev [4]
4Peter Bernus [1]
5A. Fuse [1]
6H. Hashimoto [1]
7Berman Kayis [5]
8Yong Bing Khoo [5]
9Raden Kusumo [5]
10John P. T. Mo [4]
11Laszlo Nemes [1] [4]
12Sule Savci [5]
13M. Shinonome [1]
14Gregory Uppington [1]
15Angela Williams [3]
16Jeffrey Zheng [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)