
Hu Zhihua

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5EEHu Zhihua, Niu Jiping: Based on SpectrumCluster High Resolution Remote Sensing Image Multi-criterion Stochastic Tree Division. CSSE (3) 2008: 1039-1042
4EENiu Jiping, Zhang Yongchuan, Hu Zhihua, Yang Zuqiao: A Digital Image Scrambling Method Based on AES and Error-Correcting Code. CSSE (3) 2008: 677-680
3EEHu Zhihua, Qin Zhongping, Han Haiqing: Cryptanalysis of Spent with Systems of Algebraic Equations. CSSE (4) 2008: 1097-1100
2EEChen Wenlue, Hu Zhihua: A Color Digital Watermark Method Based on NAM-CTC Model. CSSE (6) 2008: 18-21
1EEHu Zhihua, Niu Jiping: A Numeric Watermark Method Based on Valve-Value Surface. ISECS 2008: 912-915

Coauthor Index

1Han Haiqing [3]
2Niu Jiping [1] [4] [5]
3Chen Wenlue [2]
4Zhang Yongchuan [4]
5Qin Zhongping [3]
6Yang Zuqiao [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)