
Zhongju Zhang

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7EEZhongju Zhang, Weiguo Fan: Web server load balancing: A queueing analysis. European Journal of Operational Research 186(2): 681-693 (2008)
6EEZhongju Zhang, Debabrata Dey, Yong Tan: Price and QoS competition in data communication services. European Journal of Operational Research 187(3): 871-886 (2008)
5EEHui Lin, Weiguo Fan, Linda Wallace, Zhongju Zhang: An Empirical Study of Web-Based Knowledge Community Success. HICSS 2007: 178
4EEI. Robert Chiang, Paulo B. Goes, Zhongju Zhang: Periodic cache replacement policy for dynamic content at application server. Decision Support Systems 43(2): 336-348 (2007)
3EESulin Ba, Jan Stallaert, Zhongju Zhang: Price competition in e-tailing under service and recognition differentiation. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 6(3): 322-331 (2007)
2EEWeiguo Fan, Linda Wallace, Stephanie Rich, Zhongju Zhang: Tapping the power of text mining. Commun. ACM 49(9): 76-82 (2006)
1EESulin Ba, Jan Stallaert, Zhongju Zhang: Brand recognition, service quality and price competition. ICEC 2005: 350-354

Coauthor Index

1Sulin Ba [1] [3]
2I. Robert Chiang [4]
3Debabrata Dey [6]
4Weiguo Fan [2] [5] [7]
5Paulo B. Goes [4]
6Hui Lin [5]
7Stephanie Rich [2]
8Jan Stallaert [1] [3]
9Yong Tan [6]
10Linda Wallace [2] [5]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)