
Zhizheng Zhang

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15EEZhizheng Zhang, Xin Wang: A generalization of Calkin's identity. Discrete Mathematics 308(17): 3992-3997 (2008)
14 Zhizheng Zhang, Xiaoli Ye: A Characterization of the Generalized Lah Matrix. Ars Comb. 83: (2007)
13EEZhizheng Zhang, Xin Wang: A factorization of the symmetric Pascal matrix involving the Fibonacci matrix. Discrete Applied Mathematics 155(17): 2371-2376 (2007)
12 Zhizheng Zhang: Some 3x3 transformation formulas related to Bailey's 2x2. Ars Comb. 78: (2006)
11 Zhizheng Zhang: Erratum: Some 3x3 transformations formulas related to Bailey's 2x2 [ARS Comb. Ars Comb. 80: 78 (2006)
10EEZhizheng Zhang, Jun Wang: Bernoulli matrix and its algebraic properties. Discrete Applied Mathematics 154(11): 1622-1632 (2006)
9EEZhizheng Zhang, Maixue Liu: Applications of operator identities to the multiple q-binomial theorem and q-Gauss summation theorem. Discrete Mathematics 306(13): 1424-1437 (2006)
8EEZhizheng Zhang: On a kind of curious binomial identity. Discrete Mathematics 306(21): 2740-2754 (2006)
7 Hong Feng, Zhizheng Zhang: Combinatorial Proofs of a Type of Binomial Identity. Ars Comb. 74: (2005)
6EEZhizheng Zhang: A Note on an Identity of Andrews. Electr. J. Comb. 12: (2005)
5EEJun Wang, Zhizheng Zhang: On extensions of Calkin's binomial identities. Discrete Mathematics 274(1-3): 331-342 (2004)
4EEHong Feng, Zhizheng Zhang: Combinatorial proofs of identities of Calkin and Hirschhorn. Discrete Mathematics 277(1-3): 287-294 (2004)
3 Zhizheng Zhang, Hong Feng: Notes on Two Properties of the Generalized Sequences {Wn} Relevant to Recurring Decimal. Ars Comb. 68: (2003)
2EEZhizheng Zhang: A binomial identity related to Calkin's. Discrete Mathematics 196(1-3): 287-289 (1999)
1EEZhizheng Zhang: A kind of binomial identity. Discrete Mathematics 196(1-3): 291-298 (1999)

Coauthor Index

1Hong Feng [3] [4] [7]
2Maixue Liu [9]
3Jun Wang [5] [10]
4Xin Wang [13] [15]
5Xiaoli Ye [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)