
Xiuzhen Zhang

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25EEChaoyi Pang, Xiuzhen Zhang, Yanchun Zhang, Kotagiri Ramamohanarao: The Efficient Maintenance of Access Roles with Role Hiding. COMAD 2008: 139-149
24EEArran D. Stewart, Xiuzhen Zhang: Building a Disordered Protein Database: A Case Study in Managing Biological Data. ADC 2007: 151-159
23EEPengfei Han, Xiuzhen Zhang, Raymond S. Norton, Zhi-Ping Feng: Reducing Overfitting in Predicting Intrinsically Unstructured Proteins. PAKDD 2007: 515-522
22EEHongyu Zhang, Xiuzhen Zhang, Ming Gu: Predicting Defective Software Components from Code Complexity Measures. PRDC 2007: 93-96
21EEXiuzhen Zhang, Pauline Lienhua Chou, Guozhu Dong: Efficient Computation of Iceberg Cubes by Bounding Aggregate Functions. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 19(7): 903-918 (2007)
20EEHongyu Zhang, Xiuzhen Zhang: Comments on "Data Mining Static Code Attributes to Learn Defect Predictors". IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 33(9): 635-637 (2007)
19EEXiuzhen Zhang, Pauline Lienhua Chou: Multiway Pruning for Efficient Iceberg Cubing. DEXA 2006: 203-212
18EEXiuzhen Zhang, Pauline Lienhua Chou, Kotagiri Ramamohanarao: Computing Iceberg Quotient Cubes with Bounding. DaWaK 2006: 145-154
17EEPengfei Han, Xiuzhen Zhang, Raymond S. Norton, Zhi-Ping Feng: Predicting Disordered Regions in Proteins Based on Decision Trees of Reduced Amino Acid Composition. Journal of Computational Biology 13(10): 1723-1734 (2006)
16EEPengfei Han, Xiuzhen Zhang, Raymond S. Norton, Zhi-Ping Feng: Predicting Disordered Regions in Proteins Based on Decision Trees of Reduced Amino Acid Composition. Journal of Computational Biology 13(9): 1579-1590 (2006)
15EEPauline Lienhua Chou, Xiuzhen Zhang: Multiway Iceberg Cubing on Trees. WISE 2005: 620-622
14EELiping Sun, Xiuzhen Zhang: Efficient Frequent Pattern Mining on Web Logs. APWeb 2004: 533-542
13EEPauline Lienhua Chou, Xiuzhen Zhang: Computing Complex Iceberg Cubes by Multiway Aggregation and Bounding. DaWaK 2004: 108-117
12EEChaoyi Pang, Kerry L. Taylor, Xiuzhen Zhang, Mark A. Cameron: Generating Multidimensional Schemata from Relational Aggregation Queries. WISE 2004: 584-589
11EEPauline Lienhua Chou, Xiuzhen Zhang: Efficiently Computing the Top N Averages in Iceberg Cubes. ACSC 2003: 101-109
10EEQun Sun, Xiuzhen Zhang, Kotagiri Ramamohanarao: Noise Tolerance of EP-Based Classifiers. Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2003: 796-806
9EEPauline Lienhua Chou, Xiuzhen Zhang: Efficiently Computing Iceberg Cubes with Complex Constraints through Bounding. PAKDD 2003: 423-429
8EEXiuzhen Zhang, Guozhu Dong, Kotagiri Ramamohanarao: Building Behaviour Knowledge Space to Make Classification Decision. PAKDD 2001: 488-494
7EEXiuzhen Zhang, Guozhu Dong, Kotagiri Ramamohanarao: Information-Based Classification by Aggregating Emerging Patterns. IDEAL 2000: 48-53
6EEXiuzhen Zhang, Guozhu Dong, Kotagiri Ramamohanarao: Exploring constraints to efficiently mine emerging patterns from large high-dimensional datasets. KDD 2000: 310-314
5 Xiuzhen Zhang, Joseph Fong: Translating update operations from relational to object-oriented databases. Information & Software Technology 42(3): 197-210 (2000)
4EEGuozhu Dong, Xiuzhen Zhang, Limsoon Wong, Jinyan Li: CAEP: Classification by Aggregating Emerging Patterns. Discovery Science 1999: 30-42
3 Jinyan Li, Xiuzhen Zhang, Guozhu Dong, Kotagiri Ramamohanarao, Qun Sun: Efficient Mining of High Confidience Association Rules without Support Thresholds. PKDD 1999: 406-411
2EEXiuzhen Zhang, Yanchun Zhang, Joseph Fong, Xiaohua Jia: Transforming RDB schema into well-structured OODB schema. Information & Software Technology 41(5): 275-281 (1999)
1 Xiuzhen Zhang, Joseph Fong: A Distributed Object Database's Basic Design Issues. International Hong Kong Computer Society Database Workshop 1996: 324-330

Coauthor Index

1Mark A. Cameron [12]
2Pauline Lienhua Chou [9] [11] [13] [15] [18] [19] [21]
3Guozhu Dong [3] [4] [6] [7] [8] [21]
4Zhi-Ping Feng [16] [17] [23]
5Joseph Fong [1] [2] [5]
6Ming Gu [22]
7Pengfei Han [16] [17] [23]
8Xiaohua Jia [2]
9Jinyan Li [3] [4]
10Raymond S. Norton [16] [17] [23]
11Chaoyi Pang [12] [25]
12Kotagiri Ramamohanarao [3] [6] [7] [8] [10] [18] [25]
13Arran D. Stewart [24]
14Liping Sun [14]
15Qun Sun [3] [10]
16Kerry L. Taylor [12]
17Limsoon Wong [4]
18Hongyu Zhang [20] [22]
19Yanchun Zhang [2] [25]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)