
Xiaoqiang Zhang

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3EEXiaoqiang Zhang, Lin Peng, Lunguo Xie: A Lightweight Snapshot-based Algorithm for Software Transactional Memory. ICYCS 2008: 1254-1259
2EEGuiliang Zhu, Xiaoqiang Zhang: Mixed Image Element Encryption System. ICYCS 2008: 1595-1600
1EEXiaoqiang Zhang, Zhongliang Zhu, Pingzhi Fan: Intrusion Detection Based on Cross-Correlation of System Call Sequences. ICTAI 2005: 277-283

Coauthor Index

1Pingzhi Fan (Pingzhi Z. Fan) [1]
2Lin Peng [3]
3Lunguo Xie [3]
4Guiliang Zhu [2]
5Zhongliang Zhu [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)