
Shangyou Zhang

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4EEDavid O. Olagunju, Anand B. Vyas, Shangyou Zhang: Analytical and Numerical Solutions for Torsional Flow between Coaxial Discs with Heat Transfer. SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics 68(5): 1404-1422 (2008)
3 Shangyou Zhang: Anisotropic Nested Refinement of Tetrahedral Grids Under the Hessian Metric. CSC 2005: 236-242
2EEShangyou Zhang, David O. Olagunju: Axisymmetric finite element solution of non-isothermal parallel-plate flow. Applied Mathematics and Computation 171(2): 1081-1094 (2005)
1 Shangyou Zhang, Zhimin Zhang: Treatments of discontinuity and bubble functions in the multigrid method. Math. Comput. 66(219): 1055-1072 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1David O. Olagunju [2] [4]
2Anand B. Vyas [4]
3Zhimin Zhang [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)