
Jingwei Zhang

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7EEJingwei Zhang, Layne T. Watson, Yang Cao: Adaptive aggregation method for the chemical master equation. BIBE 2008: 1-6
6 Jingwei Zhang, Layne Watson, Masha Sosonkina, Yang Cao: Analysis of Goldbeter-Koshland Switch Using the Chemical Master Equation. BIOCOMP 2008: 361-367
5 Rhonda D. Phillips, Jingwei Zhang, Layne T. Watson, Christine E. Blinn, Randolph H. Wynne: An Adaptive Noise Filtering Algorithm Based on the Maximum Noise Fraction. IPCV 2008: 717-723
4EEJuan Wang, Jingwei Zhang, Huanguo Zhang: Type Flaw Attacks and Prevention in Security Protocols. SNPD 2008: 340-343
3EEJingwei Zhang, Layne T. Watson: A Modified Uniformization Method for the Chemical Master Equation. BIBE 2007: 1429-1433
2EEJingwei Zhang, Jianjuan Xiu, You He, Wei Xiong: Distributed interacted multisensor joint probabilistic data association algorithm based on D-S theory. Science in China Series F: Information Sciences 49(2): 219-227 (2006)
1EEWei Xiong, You He, Jingwei Zhang: Particle Filter Method for a Centralized Multisensor System. ICMLC 2005: 64-69

Coauthor Index

1Christine E. Blinn [5]
2Yang Cao [6] [7]
3You He [1] [2]
4Rhonda D. Phillips [5]
5Masha Sosonkina [6]
6Juan Wang [4]
7Layne Watson [6]
8Layne T. Watson [3] [5] [7]
9Randolph H. Wynne [5]
10Wei Xiong [1] [2]
11Jianjuan Xiu [2]
12Huanguo Zhang [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)