
Christoph Zenger

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13 Michael Bader, Miriam Mehl, Christoph Zenger: Stack-oriented memory allocation using space filling curves for parallel PDE-solvers. ARCS Workshops 2006: 293-294
12EEMichael Bader, Christoph Zenger: Efficient Storage and Processing of Adaptive Triangular Grids Using Sierpinski Curves. International Conference on Computational Science (1) 2006: 673-680
11EEFrank Günther, Miriam Mehl, Markus Pögl, Christoph Zenger: A Cache-Aware Algorithm for PDEs on Hierarchical Data Structures Based on Space-Filling Curves. SIAM J. Scientific Computing 28(5): 1634-1650 (2006)
10EEDmytro Chibisov, Victor G. Ganzha, Sergey Pankratov, Christoph Zenger: Computer Algebra in Nanosciences: Modeling Electronic States in Quantum Dots. CASC 2005: 115-124
9EEMichael Bader, Christoph Zenger: A Cache Oblivious Algorithm for Matrix Multiplication Based on Peano's Space Filling Curve. PPAM 2005: 1042-1049
8EEFrank Günther, Miriam Mehl, Markus Pögl, Christoph Zenger: A Cache-Aware Algorithm for PDEs on Hierarchical Data Structures. PARA 2004: 874-882
7EEFrank Günther, Andreas Krahnke, Markus Langlotz, Miriam Mehl, Markus Pögl, Christoph Zenger: On the Parallelization of a Cache-Optimal Iterative Solver for PDEs Based on Hierarchical Data Structures and Space-Filling Curves. PVM/MPI 2004: 425-429
6EEMartin Odersky, Christoph Zenger, Matthias Zenger: Colored local type inference. POPL 2001: 41-53
5EEMichael Bader, Christoph Zenger: A Fast Solver for Convection Diffusion Equations Based on Nested Dissection with Incomplete Elimination. Euro-Par 2000: 795-805
4 Ralf Ebner, Christoph Zenger: A distributed functional framework for recursive finite element simulations. Parallel Computing 25(7): 813-826 (1999)
3EEChristoph Zenger: Indexed Types. Theor. Comput. Sci. 187(1-2): 147-165 (1997)
2 Martin Backschat, Alexander Pfaffinger, Christoph Zenger: Economic-Based Dynamic Load Distribution in Large Workstation Networks. Euro-Par, Vol. II 1996: 631-634
1 Michael Griebel, W. Huber, T. Störtkuhl, Christoph Zenger: On the Parallel Solution of 3D PDEs on a Network of Workstations and on Vector Computers. Parallel Computer Architectures 1993: 276-291

Coauthor Index

1Martin Backschat [2]
2Michael Bader [5] [9] [12] [13]
3Dmytro Chibisov [10]
4Ralf Ebner [4]
5Victor G. Ganzha [10]
6Michael Griebel [1]
7Frank Günther [7] [8] [11]
8W. Huber [1]
9Andreas Krahnke [7]
10Markus Langlotz [7]
11Miriam Mehl [7] [8] [11] [13]
12Martin Odersky [6]
13Sergey Pankratov [10]
14Alexander Pfaffinger [2]
15Markus Pögl [7] [8] [11]
16T. Störtkuhl [1]
17Matthias Zenger [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)