
Yu Zeng

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5EEYu Zeng: Analysis of high-performance computer technology and technology and standards in China. China HPC 2007: 6-12
4EEYu Zeng: Dawning HPC: status and prospects. China HPC 2007: 80-88
3EEYing Song, Hui Wang, Yaqiong Li, Yuzhong Sun, Yu Zeng: Can VoD streaming service co-exist with other services on a VM-based virtualized computing platform? China HPC 2007: 95-103
2EEYu Zeng, Roger J. Green, Shaobo Sun, Mark S. Leeson: Tunable Pulse Amplitude and Position Modulation Technique for Reliable Optical Wireless Communication Channels. JCM 2(2): 22-28 (2007)
1EEYu Zeng, Jon W. Mark, Xuemin Shen: Indirect RSVP for Virtual Cluster Cellular Mobile IP Networks. NETWORKING 2000: 338-349

Coauthor Index

1Roger J. Green [2]
2Mark S. Leeson [2]
3Yaqiong Li [3]
4Jon W. Mark [1]
5Xuemin Shen (Sherman X. Shen) [1]
6Ying Song [3]
7Shaobo Sun [2]
8Yuzhong Sun [3]
9Hui Wang [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)