
Djamel Eddine Zegour

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4 Amel Bennaceur, Djamel Eddine Zegour, W. K. Hidouci: A Novel Architecture for Mobile Distributed Trie Hashing System. SEDE 2008: 252-259
3EEDjamel Eddine Zegour: Scalable distributed compact trie hashing (CTH*). Information & Software Technology 46(14): 923-935 (2004)
2EEDjamel Eddine Zegour, Gérard Lévy: CONCORD: an environment of CONstruction, CORrection anD transformation of algorithms. Information & Software Technology 40(5-6): 281-290 (1998)
1EEWitold Litwin, Djamel Eddine Zegour, Gérard Lévy: Multilevel Trie Hashing. EDBT 1988: 309-335

Coauthor Index

1Amel Bennaceur [4]
2W. K. Hidouci [4]
3Gérard Lévy [1] [2]
4Witold Litwin [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)