
Anton Zamolotskikh

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3EENadia Bolshakova, Anton Zamolotskikh, Padraig Cunningham: Comparison of the Data-based and Gene Ontology-Based Approaches to Cluster Validation Methods for Gene Microarrays. CBMS 2006: 539-543
2EEAnton Zamolotskikh, Sarah Jane Delany, Padraig Cunningham: A methodology for comparing classifiers that allow the control of bias. SAC 2006: 582-587
1EESarah Jane Delany, Padraig Cunningham, Dónal Doyle, Anton Zamolotskikh: Generating Estimates of Classification Confidence for a Case-Based Spam Filter. ICCBR 2005: 177-190

Coauthor Index

1Nadia Bolshakova [3]
2Padraig Cunningham [1] [2] [3]
3Sarah Jane Delany [1] [2]
4Dónal Doyle [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)