
Mohammed Zaki

M. Zaki

Systems and Computer Engineering Department, Al-Azhar University, Nasr City, Egypt

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26EEAshraf Elgohary, Tarek S. Sobh, Mohammed Zaki: Design of an enhancement for SSL/TLS protocols. Computers & Security 25(4): 297-306 (2006)
25EEKarlton Sequeira, Mohammed Zaki: SCHISM: a new approach to interesting subspace mining. IJBIDM 1(2): 137-160 (2005)
24EEMohammed Zaki, Tarek S. Sobh: NCDS: data mining for discovering interesting network characteristics. Information & Software Technology 47(3): 189-198 (2005)
23EEM. Zaki, Tarek S. Sobh: Attack abstraction using a multiagent system for intrusion detection. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 16(2): 141-150 (2005)
22EEMohammed Zaki, Tarek S. Sobh: A cooperative agent-based model for active security systems. J. Network and Computer Applications 27(4): 201-220 (2004)
21EEMohammed Zaki, M. Y. El Nahas, M. Youssef: EMBOT: An enhanced motion-based object tracker. Journal of Systems and Software 69(1-2): 149-158 (2004)
20EEMohammed Zaki, M. G. Darwish, G. Osman: GBF: a grammar based filter for Internet applications. J. Network and Computer Applications 26(3): 229-257 (2003)
19 G. Osman, M. G. Darwish, M. Zaki: Formal Design of Packet Filtering Systems. SEC 2002: 299-310
18EEM. Zaki, M. M. Abulwafa: The use of invariant features for object recognition from a single image. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 12(2): 79-95 (2002)
17EEMohammed Zaki, Hany Harb, Tarek S. Sobh: A learning database system to observe malfunctions and to support network planning. Journal of Systems and Software 58(1): 33-46 (2001)
16EEMohammed Zaki, Abdallah El-Ramsisi, Rostom Omran: A soft computing approach for accurate interpretation of occluded shapes. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 9(1-2): 85-99 (2000)
15EEMohammed Zaki, Abdallah El-Ramsisi, Rostom Omran: A soft computing approach for recognition of occluded shapes. Journal of Systems and Software 51(1): 73-83 (2000)
14EEMohammed Zaki, Abdallah El-Ramsisi, Rostom Omran: A genetic aggregate stereo algorithm for 3-D classification of occluded shapes. Pattern Recognition Letters 21(5): 349-363 (2000)
13EEM. Zaki, Y. B. Mahdy, S. A. Ali, K. F. El-Reefy: Two practical systems for classification of three-dimensional objects. Journal of Systems and Software 48(1): 59-71 (1999)
12EEM. G. El-Said, G. Fischer, S. A. Gamalel-Din, M. Zaki: ADDI: a tool for automating the design of visual interfaces. Computers & Graphics 21(1): 79-87 (1997)
11EEMohammed Zaki, M. Y. El Nahas, H. A. Allam: DPDP: An interactive debugger for parallel and distributed processing. Journal of Systems and Software 22(1): 45-61 (1993)
10EEF. Hashim, S. E.-D. Habib, Mohammed Zaki: A PC knowledge-based environment for VLSI layout verification. Journal of Systems and Software 18(1): 19-31 (1992)
9 Mohammed Zaki, M. M. Elboraey: Analysis of Reliability Models for Interconnecting MIMD Systems. Comput. J. 31(4): 304-312 (1988)
8 M. Zaki: Design of a Graphics Interface for Computer-Based Biomedical Applications. Comput. Lang. 13(3/4): 125-141 (1988)
7EEMohammed Zaki, M. M. Elboraey: Analysis of reliability models for interconnecting MIMD systems. Journal of Systems and Software 8(2): 133-144 (1988)
6EEMohammed Zaki, R. Salama: Linkage versus integration for binding data base and interactive graphics systems. Journal of Systems and Software 8(5): 361-372 (1988)
5 M. Zaki, Al. H. Albarhamtoshy: A Formal Design of an Arabic Text Formatter for Microcomputers. Comput. Lang. 12(2): 123-143 (1987)
4 Mohammed Zaki, R. Salama: Linkage versus integration for binding database and interactive graphics systems. Inf. Syst. 12(3): 271-280 (1987)
3 M. Zaki, S. A. Gamal-Eldin: A Portable Syntax Analyzer for Microcomputers. Comput. Lang. 10(2): 127-146 (1985)
2EEM. Zaki, F. Elboraey: Processing of inverted files in magnetic bubble memories. Inf. Process. Manage. 21(1): 51-74 (1985)
1EEMohammed Zaki, Samir M. Koriem: A model for the protocol design of back-end storage networks. Journal of Systems and Software 5(4): 249-265 (1985)

Coauthor Index

1M. M. Abulwafa [18]
2Al. H. Albarhamtoshy [5]
3S. A. Ali [13]
4H. A. Allam [11]
5M. G. Darwish [19] [20]
6Abdallah El-Ramsisi [14] [15] [16]
7K. F. El-Reefy [13]
8M. G. El-Said [12]
9F. Elboraey [2]
10M. M. Elboraey [7] [9]
11Ashraf Elgohary [26]
12G. Fischer [12]
13S. A. Gamal-Eldin [3]
14S. A. Gamalel-Din [12]
15S. E.-D. Habib [10]
16Hany Harb [17]
17F. Hashim [10]
18Samir M. Koriem [1]
19Y. B. Mahdy [13]
20M. Y. El Nahas [11] [21]
21Rostom Omran [14] [15] [16]
22G. Osman [19] [20]
23R. Salama [4] [6]
24Karlton Sequeira [25]
25Tarek S. Sobh [17] [22] [23] [24] [26]
26M. Youssef [21]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)