
Abu Bakar Zaitun

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11EEAbu Bakar Zaitun, Zainol Zaini: A web-based DSS for the evaluation of an ERP system. iiWAS 2008: 698-701
10EEMee Chin Wee, Abu Bakar Zaitun: Obstacles Towards the Use of ICT Tools in Teaching and Learning of Information Systems in Malaysian Universities. Int. Arab J. Inf. Technol. 3(3): 203-209 (2006)
9 Lip Yee Por, Abu Bakar Zaitun: Personalising an E-Learning System. iiWAS 2005: 257-262
8EEYing Wah Teh, Abu Bakar Zaitun: Data Mining Techniques in Materialised Project and Selection View. PDCAT 2004: 34-37
7 Abu Bakar Zaitun: The Integration of Web Based Systems in the Development of an e-faculty. iiWAS 2003
6EEYing Wah Teh, Abu Bakar Zaitun: Adaptive Query Processing in E-commerce Environment. AICCSA 2001: 151-
5EEYing Wah Teh, Abu Bakar Zaitun, Sai Peck Lee: Data Mining Using Classification Techniques in Query Processing Strategies. AICCSA 2001: 200-202
4 Ying Wah Teh, Abu Bakar Zaitun, Sai Peck Lee: Automation Query Processing Selection Algorithms. ICEIS (1) 2001: 283-286
3 Ying Wah Teh, Abu Bakar Zaitun: The Web Server Using Dynamic Histograms. ICEIS (2) 2001: 962-966
2EEAbu Bakar Zaitun, Y. Mashkuri, Z. R. Mohammad, B. Helena: InFac: A Mechanism to Achieve Systems Integration. TOOLS (24) 1997: 214-220
1EEAbu Bakar Zaitun, Mashkuri Yaacob: An integrated information system for universities: the University of Malaya case study. ISCNZ 1996: 176

Coauthor Index

1B. Helena [2]
2Sai Peck Lee [4] [5]
3Y. Mashkuri [2]
4Z. R. Mohammad [2]
5Lip Yee Por [9]
6Ying Wah Teh [3] [4] [5] [6] [8]
7Mee Chin Wee [10]
8Mashkuri Yaacob [1]
9Zainol Zaini [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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