
Habib Zaidi

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4EEAbdel-Ouahab Boudraa, Jean-Christophe Cexus, Habib Zaidi: Functional segmentation of dynamic nuclear images by cross-PsiB-energy operator. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 84(2-3): 146-152 (2006)
3EEHabib Zaidi: Medical image segmentation: Quo Vadis. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 84(2-3): 63-65 (2006)
2 Claire Labbé, Kris Thielemans, D. Belluzzo, V. Bettinardi, M. C. Gilardi, D. S. Hague, Matthew W. Jacobson, S. Kaiser, Roni Levkovitz, T. Margalit, Gautam Mitra, Christian Morel, Terry J. Spinks, Patrick Valente, Habib Zaidi, Alexey Zverovich: An Object-Oriented Library for 3D PET Reconstruction Using Parallel Computing. Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 1999: 268-272
1 Habib Zaidi, Claire Labbé, Christian Morel: Implementation of an Environment for Monte Carlo Simulation of Fully 3-D Positron Tomography on a High-Performance Parallel Platform. Parallel Computing 24(9-10): 1523-1536 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1D. Belluzzo [2]
2V. Bettinardi [2]
3Abdel-Ouahab Boudraa [4]
4Jean-Christophe Cexus [4]
5M. C. Gilardi [2]
6D. S. Hague [2]
7Matthew W. Jacobson [2]
8S. Kaiser [2]
9Claire Labbé [1] [2]
10Roni Levkovitz [2]
11T. Margalit [2]
12Gautam Mitra [2]
13Christian Morel [1] [2]
14Terry J. Spinks [2]
15Kris Thielemans [2]
16Patrick Valente [2]
17Alexey Zverovich [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)