
F. Sami Zahran

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4 Samit Khosla, Christopher M. Stone, Barry Fritchman, Carlos Miguens, Inga Schmit, Ralph Hodgson, Adrian Walker, John Spiers, F. Sami Zahran, Elizabeth Freeburger, William Kent: Industry Panel on The Direction of Object Oriented Technology in the Marketplace. DS-4 1990: 473-491
3 F. Sami Zahran: Structured Analysis of Data Dictionary Systems and Their Environments. BNCOD 1982: 183-202
2 F. Sami Zahran: The Extensibility Feature of Data Dictionary Systems. BNOD 1981: 39-54
1 F. Sami Zahran: A Universal Data Model Holder for Data Dictionary Systems. Comput. J. 24(3): 193-199 (1981)

Coauthor Index

1Elizabeth Freeburger [4]
2Barry Fritchman [4]
3Ralph Hodgson [4]
4William Kent [4]
5Samit Khosla [4]
6Carlos Miguens [4]
7Inga Schmit [4]
8John Spiers [4]
9Christopher M. Stone [4]
10Adrian Walker [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)