
Konstantinos Zagoris

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3EEKonstantinos Zagoris, Nikos Papamarkos, Ioannis Koustoudis: Color Reduction using the Combination of the Kohonen Self-Organized Feature Map and the Gustafson-Kessel Fuzzy Algorithm. Trans. MLDM 1(1): 31-46 (2008)
2EEKonstantinos Zagoris, Nikos Papamarkos, Ioannis Koustoudis: Color Reduction Using the Combination of the Kohonen Self-Organized Feature Map and the Gustafson-Kessel Fuzzy Algorithm. MLDM 2007: 703-715
1EEKonstantinos Zagoris, Nikos Papamarkos, Christodoulos Chamzas: Web Document Image Retrieval System Based on Word Spotting. ICIP 2006: 477-480

Coauthor Index

1Christodoulos Chamzas [1]
2Ioannis Koustoudis [2] [3]
3Nikos Papamarkos [1] [2] [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)