
Weider D. Yu

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10EEWeider D. Yu, Ellora Nayak: An Algorithmic Approach to Authorization Rules Conflict Resolution in Software Security. COMPSAC 2008: 32-35
9EEWeider D. Yu, Sunita Sharma: A Mobile Database Design Methodology for Mobile Software Solutions. COMPSAC (2) 2007: 121-130
8EEWeider D. Yu, Andy Lin: The Design and Implementation of A Search Engine Marketing Management System (SEMMS) Based on Service-Oriented Architecture Platform. ICEBE 2007: 513-519
7EEWeider D. Yu, Giri Patil: A Workflow-Based Test Automation Framework for Web Based Systems. ISCC 2007: 333-339
6EEWeider D. Yu, Savitha Murthy: PPMLP: A Special Modeling Language Processor for Privacy Policies. ISCC 2007: 851-858
5EEWeider D. Yu, Ellora Nayak: ARSL: A Language for Authorization Rule Specification in Software Security. ISCC 2006: 54-62
4EEWeider D. Yu, Dhanya Aravind, Passarawarin Supthaweesuk: Software Vulnerability Analysis for Web Services Software Systems. ISCC 2006: 740-748
3EEWeider D. Yu, Sharanya Doddapaneni, Savitha Murthy: A Privacy Assessment Approach for Serviced Oriented Architecture Application. SOSE 2006: 67-75
2 Weider D. Yu, Archana Mansukhani: A reusable intelligent authorization design for web services software security. ICETE 2005: 298-303
1 Weider D. Yu: A Modeling Approach to Software Cost Estimation. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 8(2): 309-314 (1990)

Coauthor Index

1Dhanya Aravind [4]
2Sharanya Doddapaneni [3]
3Andy Lin [8]
4Archana Mansukhani [2]
5Savitha Murthy [3] [6]
6Ellora Nayak [5] [10]
7Giri Patil [7]
8Sunita Sharma [9]
9Passarawarin Supthaweesuk [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)