
Jung-Lang Yu

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9EEJung-Lang Yu, Ming-Feng Lee, Chih-Chan Lin: Multiuser receivers for MC-CDMA MIMO systems with space-time block codes. Signal Processing 89(1): 99-110 (2009)
8EEJung-Lang Yu, Chia-Hao Chen: A Low-Complexity Bock Linear Smoothing Channel Estimation for SIMO-OFDM Systems without Cyclic Prefix. IEICE Transactions 91-B(4): 1076-1083 (2008)
7EEJung-Lang Yu: A low-complexity two-stage receiver for space-time block-coded CDMA MIMO systems. Signal Processing 87(7): 1626-1641 (2007)
6EEChun-Jung Chen, Chih-Jen Lee, Jung-Lang Yu, Tai-Ning Yang: A Backward-Traversing Method for Subcircuit Scheduling of Relaxation-Based Circuit Simulation. ICICIC (3) 2006: 157-160
5EEJung-Lang Yu, I-Ting Lee: MIMO Capon Receiver and Channel Estimation for Space-Time Coded CDMA Systems. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 5(11): 3023-3028 (2006)
4EEJung-Lang Yu, Chien-Ming Kuo, Chih-Chun Lin: Blind channel estimation for MC-CDMA systems with long spreading codes. Signal Processing 85(10): 1898-1906 (2005)
3EEJung-Lang Yu, Yuan-Chieh Cheng: Blind estimation of finite alphabet digital signals using eigenspace-based beamforming techniques. Signal Processing 84(5): 895-905 (2004)
2EEJung-Lang Yu: A novel subspace tracking using correlation-based projection approximation. Signal Processing 80(12): 2517-2525 (2000)
1EEJung-Lang Yu, Maw-Lin Leou: Transformation-based adaptive array beamforming. Signal Processing 80(2): 231-241 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Chia-Hao Chen [8]
2Chun-Jung Chen [6]
3Yuan-Chieh Cheng [3]
4Chien-Ming Kuo [4]
5Chih-Jen Lee [6]
6I-Ting Lee [5]
7Ming-Feng Lee [9]
8Maw-Lin Leou [1]
9Chih-Chan Lin [9]
10Chih-Chun Lin [4]
11Tai-Ning Yang [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)